Software Development Kit for id Tech

Bots are CPU controlled opponents. They can be useful for development, debugging but can also fun to play with.

They're fake clients, traversing the level, and acting upon objectives they either figure out themselves, or are told to to act a certain way.

We encourage any multiplayer game to support them, because they often also fill in the function of balancing teams. There's a whole slew of benefits of supporting bots, and players will generally thank you for including them.

Technical Info

Bots are handled by BotLib, located under src/botlib/ in the source tree.

Nuclide's BotLib takes some inspiration from Quake III Arena its bots, but shares no code or specific ideas or implementations. We do not use AAS for navigation, we leverage the route/pathfinding system FTEQW provides. Bots also share some code with regular NPC/Monster type entities through the use of the NSNavAI class.

Games are allowed to handle how they want to integrate bots themselves, but for development purposes there are ways to force bots to spawn also.

Bot profiles

Nuclide has support for bot profiles, like in Quake III Arena. They work differently although they appear compatible by design. You can define them in a script that looks something like this and is located at scripts/bots.txt in your game directory:

name Albert
model zombie01
topcolor 0xeff
bottomcolor 0xff0020
name Susie
model police02
topcolor 0xff6b00
bottomcolor 0xff0b00
name Dog
funname ^4D^2o^1g
model dog01
topcolor 0x9200ff
bottomcolor 0xc800ff

Only the name key is required. The only other special key is funname which sets the nickname to be different from the internal name. The other keys are set as user info (setinfo) keys on the bot client.

This will allow games to add whatever extra keys they wish that they can then recognize anywhere in the client/server codebase. No additional networking or APIs necessary. Simply query bot properties via their userinfo.

Bot Console Commands

addBot [profile name]

Adds a bot to the current game.


Force kills and respawns bots in the current game.


Force reset bots current trajectory and goals.

Bot Console Variables


Enable (1) or disable (0) usage of bots in the game. Default is 1.


Enable (1) or disable (0) an interrupt for the Bot AIs thinking. Default is 0.


Enable (1) or disable (0) a suppression of any bot chatter. Default is 0.


Enable (1) or disable (0) bot chatter that does not stop other inputs. Default is 0.


Enable (1) or disable (0) bot debug features that otherwise won't work. Default is 0.


Enable (1) or disable (0) bot debug text in console. Default is 0.


When set, ensures to fill the server with this many players/bots. Default is -1.


Enable (1) or disable (0) bot not knowing where to go. Will keep generating a new place to walk to.


Enable (1) or disable (0) the forcing of bots crouching down.


Enable (1) or disable (0) the restriction of bots to walking speed.


Enable (1) or disable (0) the forcing of bots to crawl/prone.


Enable (1) or disable (0) bot pacifist mode.