Software Development Kit for id Tech
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Cachievement_tData for an achievement definition
 Cfont_sRepresentation of a font
 Cgametext_tDefinition of a text channel
 Chlmaterials_lutHlmaterial to classname mapper table
 CNSBotA virtual multiplayer opponent
 CNSBrushTriggerThis entity class represents brush volume based triggers
 CNSClientThis entity class is the lowest client/player class
 CNSClientPlayerThis entity class represents every player client
 CNSClientSpectatorThis entity class represents every spectator client
 CNSEntityNSEntity is the lowest of the user-accessible entity class
 CNSGameRulesThis class represents active gamerules
 CNSInteractiveSurfaceThis entity class represents fully interactive surfaces
 CNSIOThis class is responsible for handling core entity functionality
 CNSItemId Tech 4 keys to support:
 CNSMomentaryThis entity class represents momentary entities
 CNSMonsterThis entity class represents non-player characters
 CNSMoverEntityNSMoverEntity is responsible for handling movement functions of mainly brush-based entities that move and push other entities around the game world
 CNSNavAIThis entity class represents a moving/pathfinding object
 CNSOutputThis entity class represents a child-output, generated by NSIO's modern trigger system
 CNSPhysicsConstraintThis entity class represents constraints for physically-simulated entities
 CNSPhysicsEntityThis entity class represents physically-simulated entities
 CNSPMoveVarsThis class networks pmove related variables to each client
 CNSPointTriggerThis entity class represents point-entity triggers
 CNSProjectileThis entity class represents an interactive projectile
 CNSRadarTasked with managing overview/radar type widgets
 CNSRenderableEntityThis entity represents any NSEntity with advanced rendering properties
 CNSSpawnPointThis entity class represents spawnpoints
 CNSSpraylogoThis entity class represents a NSClientPlayer their spraylogo
 CNSSquadMonsterNSSquadMonster based NPCs are able to communicate strategies together
 CNSSurfacePropEntityThis entity represents an NSRenderableEntity with interactive surface properties
 CNSTalkMonsterThis class represents NSMonsters that talk
 CNSTimerThis class provides a way to trigger a function in the future
 CNSTraceAttackThis class handles traceline/hitscan attacks
 CNSTriggerNSTrigger handles all the non-input as well as Legacy (Quake, GoldSource) style trigger behaviour
 CNSVehicleThis entity class represents vehicles that are predicted across the network
 CNSViewThis class represents 3D views, used for rendering the game
 CNSXRInputThis class represents an input device in the world
 CNSXRSpaceThis class represents a local client space in the world
 Csnd_tA soundDef aka 'sound shader' type
 Csound_tA sound sample of a sentences.txt word sequence
 CVGUIColorContainer class that'll deal with handling colors via a variety of different means
 CVGUIControlAn abstract control class for various VGUI related widgets
 CVGUILabelA VGUI label/text field
 CVGUIScrollbarThis is a scollbar widget
 CVGUIThemeAbstract class than can be set/overriden to customize to final appearance of GUI widgets
 CVGUIWidgetThe base VGUI widget class
 CVGUIWindowTop-most window class in VGUILib