Software Development Kit for id Technology (BETA)
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12]
 BotMultiplayer game opponents, allies
 Info TagsInfo tags for bots used to identify objects
 CVarsConsole variable relating to multiplayer AI
 ProfilesDifferent userinfo profiles for bot characters
 Client GamePart of the client-side progs (csprogs.dat)
 API: Client-sideClient-side Game-Logic APIs
 CrosshairCrosshair helper functions
 Entities that are client-sideEntity classes that run entirely on the client
 Fade OverlayScreen overlay, fade in/out control functions
 FontsTypeface format loader/handler for rendering bitmap/vector based text and icons
 Text OverlayDisplays text messages on screen with different effects
 Text MenuDisplays text-based menus, for use with a keyboard
 UtilitiesClient Utility API Reference
 Server GamePart of the server-side progs (progs.dat)
 NPC: RelationshipsRelationships for computer controlled characters
 API: Server-sideServer-side Game-Logic APIs
 Entities that are server-sideEntity classes that run entirely on the server
 Anti-CheatCheaters Lament: passive anti-cheat system
 LoggingServer-side logging functions
 MapcycleMap cycle/rotation related APIs
 MapTweaksConditional map entity overrides
 NPC: Schedules & TasksScheduled tasks for computer controlled characters
 SkillSkill/Difficulty related APIs
 VotingCalling votes, evaluating them
 Body QueDispatches copies of bodies, player corpses etc
 Navigation SystemAPIs to interact with the navigation system powering AI entities
 Shared GamePart of both client and server-side progs
 ActivitiesUniversal look-up system for named animation sequences
 AmmoAmmo Handling Helper Functions
 API: SharedShared Game-Logic APIs
 ConstantsConstants macro loader
 Decal GroupsHandle the placement of random decals from a group
 Entities that are sharedEntity classes that run on both client and the server
 Entity DefinitionsEntity class declaration system
 I/O SystemFlexible system to control entities within all areas of the game
 MaterialsMaterial property lookup functions, with support for different level formats
 Message of the DayServer set message of the day, display to clients
 Player MovementPhysics routine for complex, moving characters
 Prop DataMoving, interactive object properties
 Surface DataInteractive surface properties
 UtilitiesShared Utility API Reference
 Extended RealityExtended reality framework, handling Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) support
 Menu GamePart of the menu progs (menu.dat)
 AchievementsAchievements, unlockables API reference
 ActivityPubActivityPub social networking integration
 Server Error Message QueryRetrieve server error messages, reasons etc
 Game LibraryLocally-installed games, modification control functions
 Map LibraryLocally installed maps/levels control functions
 Master ServerMaster Server related functions
 Mod ServerRemotely available modifications, addons control/install functions
 MusicMusic looping, stinger related functions
 Rich PresenceSharing of game state/info for social purposes
 TCP/IPTCP/IP Networking API
 Update ManagerGame and content update handler functions
 Sound SystemClasses and APIs that interact with the sound system
 SentencesSentences are the voice-acting backbone of the sound system
 Sound DefinitionsSoundDef system functions
 Declaration FilesExternal plain text files often containing groups of key-value pairs
 Entity DefinitionsEntity class declaration system
 Sound DefinitionsSoundDef system functions
 EFX Definition
 EntitiesObjects within the game world, serving various functions
 Entities that are client-sideEntity classes that run entirely on the client
 Entities that are server-sideEntity classes that run entirely on the server
 Base ClassesBase Classes powering all sorts of entities
 Brush EntitiesEntity class that expects to be used with brush models
 Point EntitiesPoint entities are the most common types of entities
 Entities that are sharedEntity classes that run on both client and the server
 Entity DefinitionsEntity class declaration system
 Physics SimulatorAnything involving a more advanced physics simulator
 Vera GUITruly versatile user interface, for menus and in-game surfaces