Software Development Kit for id Technology (BETA)
Shared Game

Part of both client and server-side progs. More...

Detailed Description

Part of both client and server-side progs.


 Universal look-up system for named animation sequences.
 Ammo Handling Helper Functions.
 API: Shared
 Shared Game-Logic APIs.
 Constants macro loader.
 Decal Groups
 Handle the placement of random decals from a group.
 Entities that are shared
 Entity classes that run on both client and the server.
 Entity Definitions
 Entity class declaration system.
 I/O System
 Flexible system to control entities within all areas of the game.
 Material property lookup functions, with support for different level formats.
 Message of the Day
 Server set message of the day, display to clients.
 Player Movement
 Physics routine for complex, moving characters.
 Prop Data
 Moving, interactive object properties.
 Surface Data
 Interactive surface properties.
 Shared Utility API Reference.
 Extended Reality
 Extended reality framework, handling Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) support.


class  ncSoundScape
 Shared-Entity: Sound System Scape/Reverb Controller. More...