Software Development Kit for id Technology (BETA)

Sentences are the voice-acting backbone of the sound system. More...

Detailed Description

Sentences are the voice-acting backbone of the sound system.

The sentences subsystem allows us to stitch sound samples together for the purpose of speech. Segments can have their volume pitch and other attributes altered as they're being played back within it. It's all defined using external text definitions.

Defining Sentences

Each line inside sound/sentences.txt is a new sentence group.


Group names

The name of the group is the name you'll be referring to in entity work such as ambient_generic. You can even call a random group, as long as you enumerate a name, of which you can have up to 31:

FOOBAR2 three

You'll still only refer to the group FOOBAR, but a random entry from your enumeration will be chosen.


If a sample is not in a sub-directory, it'll be assumed to be part of the 'vox' sub-directory, or the last valid path of the previous sample in a group. For example:

[...] attention male/hello how are you


[...] vox/attention.wav male/hello.wav male/how.wav male/are.wav male/you.wav


When parameters are surrounded by spaces, this means they apply to all current samples. They can be overwritten later down the parsing.

When a parameter is attached to a sample, e.g.:

[...] attention(p120)

Then this parameter only applies to said segment. Whereas...

[...] (p120) attention everyone alive

Will apply the pitch effect to all three succeeding segments.

(pXX) = Pitch. Valid values are from 50 to 150.
(vXX) = Volume. Valid values are from 0 to 100.
(sXX) = Start point in %. E.g. 10 skips the first 10% of the sample.
(eXX) = End point in %. E.g. 75 ends playback 75% into the sample.
(tXX) = Time shift/compression in %. 100 is unaltered speed, wheras 50 plays the sample back in half the time.


A lot of information was implemented with the help of:


string Sentences_GetSamples (string)
 Returns a string of sample for a given sentence. More...
int Sentences_GetID (string)
 Returns the shared network ID for a given sentence. More...
string Sentences_GetString (int id)
 Gets the sentences string for a given id. More...
void Sentences_Shutdown (void)
 Called by CSQC_Shutdown() when the client game exits to clear the sentences buffer. More...


#define SENTENCES_LIMIT   1536


string g_sentences [1536]
int g_sentences_count

Function Documentation

◆ Sentences_GetID()

int Sentences_GetID ( string  sentence)

Returns the shared network ID for a given sentence.

◆ Sentences_GetSamples()

string Sentences_GetSamples ( string  msg)

Returns a string of sample for a given sentence.

◆ Sentences_GetString()

string Sentences_GetString ( int  id)

Gets the sentences string for a given id.

◆ Sentences_Shutdown()

void Sentences_Shutdown ( void  )

Called by CSQC_Shutdown() when the client game exits to clear the sentences buffer.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SENTENCES_LIMIT   1536

Variable Documentation

◆ g_sentences

string g_sentences[1536]

◆ g_sentences_count

int g_sentences_count