Shared-Entity: Particle Emitter.
QUAKED info_particle_system (1 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) PSFL_STARTACTIVE
An entity that's spawns particles from the engine's particle system.
- "targetname" : Name
- "effect_name" : Name of the particle effect to spawn
- "start_active" : Whether or not the entity needs to be triggered first
- "interval" : Override for spawn intervals.
- "spawncount" : Override for the amount of particles that will be emitted
- "Start" : Starts the emitter.
- "Stop" : Stops the emitter.
- "Toggle" : Toggles the emitter from an on/off state.
This entity was introduced in The Orange Box (2007).
void | info_particle_system (void) |
virtual void | Emit (void) |
virtual void | ReceiveEntity (float, float) |
| Client: Handles network updates from the server for the associated entity. More...
virtual void | Respawn (void) |
| Server: Called when the entity first spawns or when game-logic requests the entity to return to its original spawn state. More...
virtual void | EvaluateEntity (void) |
| Run each tic after physics are run to determine if we need to send updates over the network. More...
virtual float | SendEntity (entity, float) |
| Called by the engine whenever we need to send a client an update about this entity. More...
virtual void | SpawnKey (string, string) |
| This method handles entity key/value pairs on map load. More...
virtual void | Trigger (entity, triggermode_t) |
| Called whenever we're legacy triggered by another object or function. More...
virtual void | Input (entity, string, string) |
| Called when we are being prompted by another object/function with an input message. More...