Cachievement_t | Data for an achievement definition |
CactorAPI_t | |
CammoAPI_t | |
CammoInfo_t | Data holding ammo variant entries |
CbackResource_t | |
CbotScript_t | Data holding Bot Profile entries |
CbreakModel_t | Data holding BreakModel entries |
CchatSystem_t | |
CcombatAPI_t | |
CcvarAPI_t | |
CdecalGroup_t | Data holding DecalGroup entries |
CdeclAPI_t | |
CdrawAPI_t | |
CentityDef_t | Data holding EntityDef entries |
CentityDefAPI_t | |
CentsAPI_t | |
CexistsAPI_t | |
Cfb_header | Data holding a FoxBot Waypoint File Header |
Cfont_s | Representation of a font |
CfontAPI_t | |
CgameAPI_t | |
CgameEntry_t | Data holding Game Library entries |
Chlmaterials_lut | Hlmaterial to classname mapper table |
ChudText_t | Definition of a text channel |
CmapLibrary_t | Data holding Map Library entries |
CmapTweak_t | Data holding MapTweak entries |
CmotdAPI_t | |
CncDecal | This entity class represents decals
CncDict | This class is responsible for handling groups of key/value pairs |
▼CncIO | This class is responsible for handling core entity functionality |
CncGameRules | This class represents active gamerules |
CncSchedule | |
▼CncTrigger | NcTrigger handles all the non-input as well as Legacy (Quake, GoldSource) style trigger behaviour |
►CncEntity | NcEntity is the lowest of the user-accessible entity class |
CNSWorldspawn | Shared-Entity: Game World |
Cenv_cubemap | Client-Entity: Cubemap Reflection Marker |
Cenv_muzzleflash | Shared-Entity: Muzzleflash Emitter |
Cenv_particle | Client-Entity: Particle Emitter |
Cenv_shockwave | Shared-Entity: Shockwave Effect |
Cenv_soundscape | Client-Entity: Ambient Soundscape Controller |
Cenv_sun | Client-Entity: Sun Flare Controller |
Cfunc_areaportal | Server-Entity: Visibility/Areaportal Manager |
Cfunc_dustcloud | Client-Entity: Dust Cloud Volume |
Cfunc_dustmotes | Client-Entity: Dustmotes Volume |
Cfunc_friction | Shared-Entity: Ground Friction Override Volume |
Cfunc_monsterclip | Server-Entity: Monster Clip |
Cfunc_smokevolume | Client-Entity: Smoke Cloud Volume |
Cinfodecal | Server-Entity: Decal |
Clight_environment | Client-Entity: Environmental Lighting Controller |
►CncBrushTrigger | This entity class represents brush volume based triggers |
Cfunc_mortar_field | Server-Entity: Mortar Drop Zone |
Cfunc_tankcontrols | Server-Entity: func_tankmortar Controller |
►Cfunc_traincontrols | Server-Entity: func_tracktrain Controller |
Cfunc_vehiclecontrols | Server-Entity: func_vehicle Controller |
Cgame_zone_player | Server-Entity: game_counter Zone Controller |
Cscript_brushmodel | Server-Entity: Scriptable Brush Model |
Cscript_origin | Server-Entity: Script Position Hint |
Cscript_struct | Server-Entity: FIXME: Unknown |
Ctrigger_autosave | Server-Entity: Triggers Auto-Save |
Ctrigger_cdaudio | Server-Entity: Trigger-Based CD Track Changer |
Ctrigger_changelevel | Server-Entity: Triggers Level Changes |
Ctrigger_counter | Server-Entity: Activation Count Based Trigger |
Ctrigger_endsection | Server-Entity: Triggers Game Ending To Menu |
Ctrigger_gravity | Shared-Entity: Gravity Controller Volume |
Ctrigger_hurt | Server-Entity: Damages/Hurts Characters |
Ctrigger_look | Server-Entity: Eye/Vision Based Trigger |
Ctrigger_monsterjump | Server-Entity: AI Jump Hint |
Ctrigger_multiple | Server-Entity: Multi Use Trigger Volume |
Ctrigger_once | Server-Entity: One-Time Use Trigger Volume |
Ctrigger_playerfreeze | Server-Entity: Player Movement Inhibitor |
Ctrigger_push | Shared-Entity: Push Force Volume |
Ctrigger_teleport | Server-Entity: Teleportation Volume |
Ctrigger_transition | Server-Entity: Level Transition Volume |
CncInteractiveSurface | This entity class represents fully interactive surfaces |
CncOutput | This entity class represents a child-output, generated by ncIO's modern trigger system |
CncPMoveVars | This class networks pmove related variables to each client |
►CncPhysicsConstraint | This entity class represents constraints for physically-simulated entities |
Cphys_ballsocket | Server-Entity: Ballsocket Physics Constraint |
Cphys_constraint | Server-Entity: Fixed Physics Constraint |
Cphys_constraintsystem | Server-Entity: Physics Constraint Grouping |
Cphys_convert | Server-Entity: Static To Physics Converter |
Cphys_hinge | Server-Entity: Hinge Physics Constraint |
Cphys_keepupright | Server-Entity: Physics Upright Controller |
Cphys_slideconstraint | Server-Entity: Sliding Physics Constraint |
►CncPointTrigger | This entity class represents point-entity triggers |
Ccycler_weapon | TODO: Server-Entity: Weapon Viewmodel Tester |
Cenv_bubbles | Shared-Entity: Bubble Emitter |
Cenv_cascade_light | Shared-Entity: Outdoor Shadow & Lighting Controller |
Cenv_explosion | Server-Entity: Explosion Creator |
Cenv_fire | Shared-Entity: Fire/Flame Emitter |
Cenv_fog | Shared-Entity: Simple Fog Controller |
Cenv_fog_controller | Shared-Entity: Fog Controller |
Cenv_global | Server-Entity: Global Variable Controller |
Cenv_hudhint | Server-Entity: Displays HUD Hint Messages |
Cenv_instructor_hint | Shared-Entity: Hints/Instructions With Key Bindings |
Cenv_message | Server-Entity: Displays Titles.txt Messages |
Cenv_physexplosion | Server-Entity: Triggers Physics Explosion |
Cenv_projectedtexture | Shared-Entity: Light Texture Projector |
Cenv_shake | Server-Entity: Earthquake Maker |
Cenv_spark | Server-Entity: Spark Maker |
Cenv_steam | Shared-Entity: Steam Emitter |
Cgame_counter | Server-Entity: Activation Count Based Trigger |
Cgame_counter_set | Server-Entity: game_counter Controller |
Cgame_end | Server-Entity: Intermission Controller |
Cgame_player_equip | Server-Entity: Player Inventory Controller |
Cgame_player_hurt | Server-Entity: Player Health Controller |
Cgame_player_team | Server-Entity: Player Team Controller |
Cgame_score | Server-Entity: Player Score Controller |
Cgame_team_set | Server-Entity: game_team_master Controller |
Cgame_text | Server-Entity: Custom Text Message Display |
Cinfo_hint | Server-Entity: Nodegraph Hint |
Cinfo_intermission | Server-Entity: Intermission Camera |
Cinfo_landmark | Server-Entity: Shared Point Between Levels |
Cinfo_node | Server-Entity: Nodegraph Ground Node |
Cinfo_node_air | Server-Entity: Nodegraph Air Node |
Cinfo_notnull | Shared-Entity: Generic In-Memory Hint |
►Cinfo_null | Tools-Entity: Generic Hint |
Cfunc_detail | Server-Entity: Detail Geometry |
Cfunc_detail_illusionary | Server-Entity: Non-Solid Detail Geometry |
Cfunc_group | Editor-Entity: Group |
Cinfo_particle_system | Shared-Entity: Particle Emitter |
Cinfo_waypoint | Shared-Entity: Objective/Waypoint Hint |
Cinfodecal | Server-Entity: Decal |
►Clight | Tool/Server-Entity: Light Source |
Clight_environment | Client-Entity: Environmental Lighting Controller |
Clight_surface | Tool/Server-Entity: Light Emitting Materials |
►Clight_dynamic | Shared-Entity: Dynamic Light |
Cdynamic_light | Shared-Entity: Dynamic Light (alias for light_dynamic) |
Clogic_achievement | Shared-Entity: Achievement Manager |
Clogic_auto | Server-Entity: Map-Start Trigger |
Clogic_case | Server-Entity: Comparison Trigger |
Clogic_relay | Server-Entity: Relay Trigger |
Clogic_timer | Server-Entity: Timer Trigger |
Cmath_counter | |
Cmonstermaker | Server-Entity: Monster Spawner |
Cmulti_manager | Server-Entity: Triggers Up To 16 Different Targets |
►Cmultisource | Server-Entity: Conditional AND Gate |
Cgame_team_master | Server-Entity: Team Trigger Controller |
►CncSound | |
Ctarget_speaker | Server-Entity: Redundant Sound Emitter #1 |
►CncSoundScape | Shared-Entity: Sound System Scape/Reverb Controller |
Cenv_sound | Server-Entity: GoldSrc Audio DSP/Reverb Controller |
CncSpawnPoint | This entity class represents spawnpoints |
►Cpath_corner | Server-Entity: Train/Mover Path Node |
Cpath_track | Server-Entity: Tracktrain Path Node |
►Cphys_rope | Shared-Entity: Physics Rope |
Ckeyframe_rope | |
Cmove_rope | |
Cplayer_weaponstrip | Server-Entity: Strips Player Weapons |
Cpoint_camera | Server-Entity: Rendertarget Camera Viewpoint |
Cpoint_servercommand | Server-Entity: Executes Console Commands |
Cpoint_spotlight | Shared-Entity: Spotlight With Beam |
Cpoint_trigger | Server-Entity: Radius Based Trigger |
Crandom_speaker | Server-Entity: Sound Emitter With Random Intervals |
Crandom_trigger | Server-Entity: Trigger With Random Intervals |
Cscript_model | Server-Entity: Scriptable Alias Model |
Cscripted_sentence | Server-Entity: Voice Acted Sequence Controller |
Cscripted_sequence | Server-Entity: Scripted Sequence Controller |
Ctarg_speaker | Server-Entity: Redundant Sound Emitter #2 |
Ctarget_cdaudio | Server-Entity: Radius-Based CD Track Changer |
Ctrigger_auto | Server-Entity: Map Start Trigger |
►Ctrigger_camera | Shared-Entity: Camera System Trigger |
Cpoint_viewcontrol | Shared-Entity: Camera System Trigger |
Ctrigger_changetarget | Server-Entity: Changes Targets Of Other Entities |
Ctrigger_relay | Server-Entity: Relay With State Override |
►CncPortal | |
Cprop_portal | |
►CncRenderableEntity | This entity represents any ncEntity with advanced rendering properties |
Ccycler_sprite | Server-Entity: Debug Sprite Cycler |
Ccycler_wreckage | Server-Entity: Model Emitting Smoke |
Cenv_beam | Shared-Entity: Beam/Lightning Emitter |
Cenv_beverage | Server-Entity: Health Refuelling Beverage |
Cenv_fade | Server-Entity: Fade In/Out Controller |
Cenv_funnel | Shared-Entity: Funneling Sprite Controller |
Cenv_glow | Shared-Entity: Glowing Orbs/Flares |
Cenv_laser | Shared-Entity: Laser Emitter |
Cenv_model | Server-Entity: Decorative Model With Animation Features |
Cenv_render | Server-Entity: Controls Entity Rendering Modes |
►Cenv_shooter | Server-Entity: Model Shooter |
Cgibshooter | Server-Entity: Bouncy Gib/Model Shooter |
Cenv_smoker | Shared-Entity: Smoke Emitter |
Cenv_sprite | Shared-Entity: Animated Sprite |
Cfunc_brush | Server-Entity: Dynamic Brush Model |
Cfunc_conveyor | Shared-Entity: Conveyor Belt |
Cfunc_healthcharger | Server-Entity: Health Charging Station |
Cfunc_illusionary | Shared-Entity: Non-Solid Brush Model |
Cfunc_ladder | Shared-Entity: Ladder Volume |
Cfunc_lod | Shared-Entity: Level Of Detail Geometry |
Cfunc_monitor | Shared-Entity: Rendertarget Surface |
Cfunc_pendulum | Server-Entity: Swinging Pendulum |
Cfunc_recharge | Server-Entity: Armor Recharging Station |
Cfunc_rotating | Server-Entity: Rotating Brush/Fan |
Cfunc_train | Server-Entity: Linear Moving Brush |
Cfunc_useableladder | Shared-Entity: Ladder Volume |
Cfunc_wall | Server-Entity: Brush Model That Changes Texture |
Cfunc_wall_toggle | Server-Entity: Prototype func_brush |
Citem_eyescanner | Server-Entity: Iris Scanner |
Citem_food | Server-Entity: Food Pickup |
Citem_generic | Server-Entity: Decorative Animated Entity |
Citem_healthcharger | Server-Entity: Health Charging Station |
Citem_recharge | Server-Entity: Health Charging Station |
CncCharger | Server-Entity: Recharging Station |
►CncMomentary | This entity class represents momentary entities |
Cmomentary_door | Server-Entity: Momentary Sliding Door |
Cmomentary_rot_button | Server-Entity: Momentary Rotating Door/Lever/Valve |
►CncSurfacePropEntity | This entity represents an ncRenderableEntity with interactive surface properties |
Cbutton_target | Server-Entity: Non-Moving Button |
Ccycler | Server-Entity: Debug Model Animation Cycler |
►Cfunc_breakable | Server-Entity: Breakable Brush Model |
Cfunc_pushable | Server-Entity: Pushable Brush |
Cfunc_guntarget | Server-Entity: Target Practice Sign |
Cfunc_rot_button | Server-Entity: Valve, Lever, Rotating Button |
►CncActor | This entity class represents an object with choreographed/free-form movement |
►CncBot | A virtual multiplayer opponent |
►CncClient | This entity class is the lowest client/player class |
►CncSpectator | This entity class represents every spectator client |
CncPlayer | This entity class represents every player client |
►CncMonster | This entity class represents non-player characters |
Cmonster_furniture | Server-Entity: Scripted Sequence Prop |
►CncSquadMonster | NcSquadMonster based NPCs are able to communicate strategies together |
►CncTalkMonster | This class represents ncMonsters that talk |
Cambient_generic | Shared-Entity: Sound/Sentence Emitter |
Cmonster_generic | Server-Entity: Generic, Bleeding Character Actor |
Cspeaker | Shared-Entity: Announcement Speaker System |
Cnpc_furniture | Server-Entity: NPC: Furniture Item |
►CncAttack | This entity class represents an attack |
CncProjectile | This entity class represents an interactive projectile |
►CncMoverEntity | NcMoverEntity is responsible for handling movement functions of mainly brush-based entities that move and push other entities around the game world |
Cfunc_button | Server-Entity: Moving Button |
Cfunc_door | Server-Entity: Sliding Door |
Cfunc_door_rotating | Server-Entity: Rotating Door |
►Cfunc_plat | Server-Entity: Automatic Elevator |
►Cfunc_platrot | Server-Entity: Rotating Vertical Platform |
►Cfunc_trackchange | Server-Entity: func_tracktrain Track Controller |
Cfunc_trackautochange | Server-Entity: Automatic func_tracktrain Track Controller |
►CncPhysicsEntity | This entity class represents physically-simulated entities |
Cfunc_physbox | Server-Entity: Physically Simulated Box |
CncDebris | |
►CncItem | This entity class represents inventory items, weapons |
CncWeapon | This entity class represents weapon based items |
Cprop_physics | Server-Entity: Physics Prop Model |
Cprop_static | Server-Entity: Static Prop Model |
CncRagdoll | Ragdoll master entity |
►CncVehicle | This entity class represents vehicles that are predicted across the network |
Cfunc_tank | Server-Entity: Mountable Gun Turret |
Cfunc_tankmortar | Shared-Entity: Mountable Mortar Turret |
Cfunc_tracktrain | Server-Entity: Interactive Moving Train |
Cfunc_vehicle | Shared-Entity: Brush Vehicle |
Cprop_vehicle_driveable | Shared-Entity: Model Based Vehicle |
Cprop_dynamic | Server-Entity: Dynamic, Scriptable Prop Model |
Cplayer_loadsaved | Server-Entity: Loads Last Auto-Save |
Cprop_door_rotating | |
Cscript_vehicle | Server-Entity: FIXME: Unknown |
CncSpraylogo | This entity class represents a ncPlayer their spraylogo |
CncTimer | This class provides a way to trigger a function in the future |
Cpoint_message | Client-Entity: In-world Debug Text |
Cprop_rope | Shared-Entity: Faux Physics Rope |
Cprop_static | Server-Entity: Static Prop Model |
Creserved_spot | Server-Entity: Reserved Player Spot |
Csky_camera | Client-Entity: Skybox Camera Controller |
▼CncView | This class represents 3D views, used for rendering the game |
CncRadar | Tasked with managing overview/radar type widgets |
Cnode_t::neighbour_s | |
Cnode_t | Data holding Node entries |
CNSXRInput | This class represents an input device in the world |
CNSXRSpace | This class represents a local client space in the world |
Cpb_header | Data holding a PODBot Waypoint File Header |
CplayerAPI_t | |
Cplugin_t | |
CprecacheAPI_t | |
Cpropdata_constraint_t | |
Cpropdata_solids_t | |
Cpropdata_t | Data holding PropData entries |
Csavegame_t | |
Csentences_t | |
CserverinfoAPI_t | |
Csnd_t | A soundDef aka 'sound shader' type |
Csound_t | A sound sample of a sentences.txt word sequence |
CsoundAPI_t | |
CsurfaceAPI_t | |
CsurfaceData_t | |
Ctcpinfo_t | |
CteamAPI_t | |
Ctitles_s | |
Ctraced_t | |
CupdaterPackage_t | Data holding Updater Package entries |
CuserinfoAPI_t | |
CutilAPI_t | |
CvguiColor | Container class that'll deal with handling colors via a variety of different means |
CvguiTheme | Abstract class than can be set/overriden to customize to final appearance of GUI widgets |
▼CvguiWidget | The base VGUI widget class |
Cvgui3DView | VGUI Widget: 3D View |
CvguiCheckbox | VGUI Widget: Checkbox |
▼CvguiControl | VGUI: Abstract Control Class |
►CvguiButton | VGUI Widget: Button |
CvguiCommandButton | VGUI Widget: Command Menu Button |
CvguiMenuButton | VGUI Widget: Menu Button |
CvguiTabViewItem | VGUI Widget: Button |
CvguiFrame | VGUI Widget: Frame |
▼CvguiLabel | VGUI Widget: Label |
CvguiMenuTitle | VGUI Widget: Menu Title |
CvguiList | VGUI Widget: List |
CvguiListBox | VGUI Widget: List Box |
CvguiPic | VGUI Widget: Picture Frame |
CvguiProgressBar | VGUI Widget: Frame |
CvguiRadio | VGUI Widget: Radio Button |
CvguiRect | VGUI Widget: Picture Frame |
CvguiScrollBar | |
CvguiSlider | VGUI Widget: Slider |
CvguiTabView | VGUI Widget: Tab View |
CvguiTextBox | VGUI Widget: Text Box |
CvguiTextView | VGUI Widget: Text View |
▼CvguiView | VGUI Widget: Sub-view |
►CvguiWindow | VGUI: Window |
CTestUI | |
CvguiLoadingPanel | |
CweaponAPI_t | |
CweaponInfo_t | |