Software Development Kit for id Technology
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678910]
 Cachievement_tData for an achievement definition
 CammoInfo_tData holding ammo variant entries
 CbotScript_tData holding Bot Profile entries
 CbreakModel_tData holding BreakModel entries
 CdecalGroup_tData holding DecalGroup entries
 CentityDef_tData holding EntityDef entries
 Cfb_headerData holding a FoxBot Waypoint File Header
 Cfont_sRepresentation of a font
 CgameEntry_tData holding Game Library entries
 Chlmaterials_lutHlmaterial to classname mapper table
 ChudText_tDefinition of a text channel
 CmapLibrary_tData holding Map Library entries
 CmapTweak_tData holding MapTweak entries
 Cnode_tData holding Node entries
 CNSDecalThis entity class represents decals
 CNSDictThis class is responsible for handling groups of key/value pairs
 CNSIOThis class is responsible for handling core entity functionality
 CNSGameRulesThis class represents active gamerules
 CNSTriggerNSTrigger handles all the non-input as well as Legacy (Quake, GoldSource) style trigger behaviour
 CNSEntityNSEntity is the lowest of the user-accessible entity class
 CNSViewThis class represents 3D views, used for rendering the game
 CNSRadarTasked with managing overview/radar type widgets
 CNSXRInputThis class represents an input device in the world
 CNSXRSpaceThis class represents a local client space in the world
 Cpb_headerData holding a PODBot Waypoint File Header
 Cpropdata_tData holding PropData entries
 Csnd_tA soundDef aka 'sound shader' type
 Csound_tA sound sample of a sentences.txt word sequence
 CupdaterPackage_tData holding Updater Package entries
 CVGUIColorContainer class that'll deal with handling colors via a variety of different means
 CVGUIThemeAbstract class than can be set/overriden to customize to final appearance of GUI widgets
 CVGUIWidgetThe base VGUI widget class
 CVGUI3DViewVGUI Widget: 3D View
 CVGUICheckboxVGUI Widget: Checkbox
 CVGUIControlVGUI: Abstract Control Class
 CVGUIButtonVGUI Widget: Button
 CVGUITabViewItemVGUI Widget: Button
 CVGUIFrameVGUI Widget: Frame
 CVGUILabelVGUI Widget: Label
 CVGUIMenuTitleVGUI Widget: Menu Title
 CVGUIListVGUI Widget: List
 CVGUIListBoxVGUI Widget: List Box
 CVGUIPicVGUI Widget: Picture Frame
 CVGUIProgressBarVGUI Widget: Frame
 CVGUIRadioVGUI Widget: Radio Button
 CVGUIRectVGUI Widget: Picture Frame
 CVGUISliderVGUI Widget: Slider
 CVGUITabViewVGUI Widget: Tab View
 CVGUITextBoxVGUI Widget: Text Box
 CVGUITextViewVGUI Widget: Text View
 CVGUIViewVGUI Widget: Sub-view
 CVGUIWindowVGUI: Window