Software Development Kit for id Technology (BETA)
propdata_t Struct Reference

About this class

Data holding PropData entries.

Public Attributes

string name
string base
float health
propdataFlag_t flags
float damage_bullets
float damage_melee
float damage_explosive
float explosive_damage
float explosive_radius
string breakable_particle
string breakable_model
int breakable_count
float breakable_skin
float mass
float damping_linear
float damping_angular
float inertia
float volume
string surfaceprop
int solids
string doll

Member Data Documentation

◆ base

string propdata_t::base

◆ breakable_count

int propdata_t::breakable_count

◆ breakable_model

string propdata_t::breakable_model

◆ breakable_particle

string propdata_t::breakable_particle

◆ breakable_skin

float propdata_t::breakable_skin

◆ damage_bullets

float propdata_t::damage_bullets

◆ damage_explosive

float propdata_t::damage_explosive

◆ damage_melee

float propdata_t::damage_melee

◆ damping_angular

float propdata_t::damping_angular

◆ damping_linear

float propdata_t::damping_linear

◆ doll

string propdata_t::doll

◆ explosive_damage

float propdata_t::explosive_damage

◆ explosive_radius

float propdata_t::explosive_radius

◆ flags

propdataFlag_t propdata_t::flags

◆ health

float propdata_t::health

◆ inertia

float propdata_t::inertia

◆ mass

float propdata_t::mass

◆ name

string propdata_t::name

◆ solidInfo

propdata_solids_t* propdata_t::solidInfo

◆ solids

int propdata_t::solids

◆ surfaceprop

string propdata_t::surfaceprop

◆ volume

float propdata_t::volume

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