Software Development Kit for id Technology (BETA)
item_healthcharger Class Reference

About this class

Server-Entity: Health Charging Station.

QUAKED item_healthcharger (0 .5 .8) ?


Brush that fills up your health when used, to a maximum of 100 HP.

A working item_healthcharger, mounted against a wall


  • "targetname" : Name
  • "target" : Target when triggered.
  • "killtarget" : Target to kill when triggered.
  • "snd_first" : Sound to play when first used.
  • "snd_charging" : Sound to play when first charging.
  • "snd_done" : Sound to play when first finished charging.


This entity was introduced in Half-Life for PS2 (2001).

Inheritance diagram for item_healthcharger:

Public Member Functions

void item_healthcharger (void)
virtual void Save (float)
 Handles saving a copy of this entity to a given filehandle. More...
virtual void Restore (string, string)
 Similar to ncIO::SpawnKey() but for save-game fields. More...
virtual void Precache (void)
virtual void SpawnKey (string, string)
 This method handles entity key/value pairs on map load. More...
virtual void customphysics (void)
virtual void Respawn (void)
 Server: Called when the entity first spawns or when game-logic requests the entity to return to its original spawn state. More...
virtual void OnPlayerUse (void)
nonvirtual void Deploy (void)
nonvirtual void Retract (void)
nonvirtual void ResetHealth (void)
nonvirtual void UpdateProgress (void)
nonvirtual void Disable (void)
nonvirtual void Enable (void)
nonvirtual void GiveShot (void)
nonvirtual void RetractShot (void)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ item_healthcharger()

void item_healthcharger::item_healthcharger ( void  )

Member Function Documentation

◆ customphysics()

void item_healthcharger::customphysics ( void  )

◆ Deploy()

void item_healthcharger::Deploy ( void  )

◆ Disable()

void item_healthcharger::Disable ( void  )

◆ Enable()

void item_healthcharger::Enable ( void  )

◆ GiveShot()

void item_healthcharger::GiveShot ( void  )

◆ OnPlayerUse()

void item_healthcharger::OnPlayerUse ( void  )

◆ Precache()

void item_healthcharger::Precache ( void  )

Reimplemented from ncEntity.

◆ ResetHealth()

void item_healthcharger::ResetHealth ( void  )

◆ Respawn()

void item_healthcharger::Respawn ( void  )

Server: Called when the entity first spawns or when game-logic requests the entity to return to its original spawn state.

Reimplemented from ncRenderableEntity.

◆ Restore()

void item_healthcharger::Restore ( string  strKey,
string  strValue 

Similar to ncIO::SpawnKey() but for save-game fields.

Whatever you write into file handles within your ncIO::Save() method needs to be read back in here.

Reimplemented from ncRenderableEntity.

◆ Retract()

void item_healthcharger::Retract ( void  )

◆ RetractShot()

void item_healthcharger::RetractShot ( void  )

◆ Save()

void item_healthcharger::Save ( float  handle)

Handles saving a copy of this entity to a given filehandle.

Within you want to use the ncIO::SaveFloat() etc. methods to write the internal member attributes to the specified file handle.

Reimplemented from ncRenderableEntity.

◆ SpawnKey()

void item_healthcharger::SpawnKey ( string  strKey,
string  strValue 

This method handles entity key/value pairs on map load.

You can easily convert the strValue parameter using the ReadFloat etc. methods that are part of ncIO.

Reimplemented from ncRenderableEntity.

◆ UpdateProgress()

void item_healthcharger::UpdateProgress ( void  )

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: