This entity class represents an object with choreographed/free-form movement.
It knows how to deal with waypoint based nodes and possibly other types of pathfinding in the future.
- "snd_stepladder" : Sound to play when climbing a ladder.
- "snd_death" : Sound to play upon death.
- "snd_fall" : Sound to play upon taking falldamage.
- "snd_painSmall" : Sound to play when their health is still above 75%.
- "snd_painMedium" : Sound to play when their health is still above 50%.
- "snd_painLarge" : Sound to play when their health is still above 25%.
- "snd_painHuge" : Sound to play when their health is below 25%.
- "snd_landSoft" : Sound to play when landing from any height.
- "snd_landHard" : Sound to play upon a fall, although not damaging.
- "snd_hitArmor" : Sound to play when receiving damage and having some armor protection.
- "snd_hitFlesh" : Sound to play when receiving damage and having no armor protection.
- "snd_airGasp" : Sound to play when coming back up from under water.
- "snd_noAir" : Sound to play when struggling to breathe under water.
- "snd_teleportExit" : Sound to play when having exited a teleporter.
- "snd_teleportStart" : Sound to play when having entered a teleporter.
- "snd_burn" : Sound to play whenever incremental burn damage occurs.
- "snd_healthtake" : Sound to play when receiving a health increase.
- "snd_waterEnter" : Sound to play when entering water.
- "snd_waterExit" : Sound to play when exiting water.
void | ncActor (void) |
virtual bool | CanSprint (void) |
| Overridable: Returns whether the client can sprint, with the command +sprint. More...
virtual bool | CanProne (void) |
| Overridable: Returns whether the client can prone, with the commands +prone and goprone. More...
virtual bool | CanCrouch (void) |
| Overridable: Returns whether the client can crouch, with the commands +crouch and gocrouch. More...
virtual bool | CanLean (void) |
| Overridable: Returns whether the client can lean, with the commands +leanleft and +leanright. More...
virtual float | GetForwardSpeed (void) |
| Overridable: Returns the desired maximum forward movement speed. More...
virtual float | GetSideSpeed (void) |
| Overridable: Returns the desired maximum side movement speed. More...
virtual float | GetBackSpeed (void) |
| Overridable: Returns the desired maximum backwardss movement speed. More...
nonvirtual float | GetStamina (void) |
nonvirtual bool | IsCrouching (void) |
| Returns true when the entity is ducked/crouching. More...
nonvirtual bool | IsProne (void) |
| Returns true when the entity is ducked/crouching. More...
nonvirtual bool | IsStanding (void) |
| Returns true when the entity is standing, walking. More...
nonvirtual bool | IsSprinting (void) |
| Returns true when the entity is running. More...
nonvirtual bool | IsLeaning (void) |
| Returns true when the entity is leaning. More...
nonvirtual bool | MaxAmmo (int) |
| Returns whether the specified type is maxed out. More...
nonvirtual bool | GiveAmmo (int, int) |
| Gives ammo up of a specified type. More...
nonvirtual bool | UseAmmo (int, int) |
| Uses ammo up of a specified type. More...
nonvirtual bool | HasAmmo (int, int) |
| Returns whether or not the entity has enough of the specified ammo and type. More...
nonvirtual int | GetReserveAmmo (int) |
| Returns the amount of reserve ammo of a given type. More...
nonvirtual bool | GiveItem (string) |
| Adds a named ncItem to the inventory. More...
nonvirtual bool | RemoveItem (string) |
| Removes a named ncItem from the inventory Returns false when impossible. More...
nonvirtual bool | AddItem (ncItem) |
| Adds the specified ncItem to the inventory. More...
nonvirtual bool | HasItem (string) |
| Returns true or false depending on if the entity has the named item. More...
nonvirtual bool | HasExactItem (ncItem) |
| Returns true or false depending on if the entity has the exact item. More...
nonvirtual bool | RemoveAllItems (bool) |
| Removes all items from the inventory. More...
nonvirtual bool | RemoveAllWeapons (void) |
| Removes all weapons from the inventory. More...
nonvirtual string | GetCurrentWeapon (void) |
| Returns the name of the current weapon. More...
nonvirtual void | SwitchToWeapon (string) |
| Switches the entity to use the desired weapon. More...
nonvirtual void | SwitchToExactWeapon (ncWeapon) |
| Switches the entity to use the desired weapon. More...
nonvirtual void | SwitchToBestWeapon (bool) |
nonvirtual void | LaunchProjectile (string, bool, float) |
nonvirtual bool | PlantCharge (string) |
virtual ncWeapon | SortWeaponChain (void) |
| Returns the first weapon in the chain, while ensuring the inventory is sorted. More...
nonvirtual ncWeapon | GetNextWeapon (void) |
| Retrieve the 'next' weapon in the inventory, sorted by SortWeaponChain(). More...
nonvirtual ncWeapon | GetPreviousWeapon (void) |
| Retrieve the 'next' weapon in the inventory, sorted by SortWeaponChain(). More...
nonvirtual ncWeapon | GetLastWeapon (void) |
| Retrieve the 'last' weapon they had chosen. More...
virtual void | AddedItemCallback (ncItem) |
virtual void | SpawnKey (string, string) |
| This method handles entity key/value pairs on map load. More...
virtual void | Save (float) |
| Handles saving a copy of this entity to a given filehandle. More...
virtual void | Restore (string, string) |
| Similar to ncIO::SpawnKey() but for save-game fields. More...
virtual void | RestoreComplete (void) |
| Called when the entity has been successfully restored from a savegame file. More...
virtual void | Spawned (void) |
| Called when the entity is fulled initialized. More...
virtual void | Input (entity, string, string) |
| Called when we are being prompted by another object/function with an input message. More...
virtual void | DebugDraw (void) |
virtual void | SelectNewSchedule (void) |
| Overridable: Called regularily to select a new schedule to perform. More...
nonvirtual void | ScheduleThink (void) |
nonvirtual bool | CancelSchedule (void) |
| Forces a named schedule to be performed. More...
nonvirtual void | PerformSchedule (string) |
nonvirtual void | MessageSchedule (string) |
nonvirtual bool | IsPerforming (void) |
virtual bool | CanCrouch (void) |
| Returns if this class is capable of crouching. More...
nonvirtual vector | GetRouteMovevalues (void) |
| Returns the current movement values in a single vector (x = fwd, y = rt, y = up) More...
nonvirtual vector | GetRouteDirection (void) |
| Returns the current movement direction. More...
nonvirtual void | SetMoveSpeedScale (float) |
| Sets the scale on the movement before physics are run. More...
nonvirtual float | GetMoveSpeedScale (void) |
| Returns the movement speed scale. More...
virtual void | RouteEnded (void) |
| Called when the object is done moving to its destination. More...
virtual void | RouteClear (void) |
| When called, will wipe any memory of an ongoing route. More...
virtual void | CheckRouteProgression (void) |
| Internal use only. More...
virtual void | RouteToPosition (vector) |
| When called, will plot a route to a given world coordinate and start moving. More...
virtual void | RouteToPositionDenyFlags (vector, int) |
| When called, will plot a route to a given world coordinate and start moving, ignoring any links that contain the given link flags. More...
virtual void | ChasePath (string startPath) |
| When called, will start following a path_corner. More...
virtual void | CheckRouteProgression_Path (void) |
| Internal use only. More...
virtual void | Physics_Run (void) |
| Overridable: Called when the entity is ready to move. More...