Software Development Kit for id Technology (BETA)
ncRuleDelegate Class Reference

About this class

This class represents active gamerules.

The ncRuleDelegate class is for any set of active gamerules. It can be accessed in QuakeC via the global g_grMode from the server-side.

Choosing A Ruleset

Upon server init, the game will query the weak function Game_DefaultRules(), which can be re-implemented with the same name by the game developer in their server game. The return value should either be __NULL__ or the name of a progs within <gamedir>/progs/.

By default, the game will load either <gamedir>/progs/singleplayer.dat when it's only a singleplayer client or the console variable for coop is 1, or <gamedir>/progs/deathmatch.dat in any other case. If you happen to set the server-side console variable g_gametype to a custom string, it will attempt to load a named progs that can be found under <gamedir>/progs/.

Here's the current implementation of said function:

__weak string
string gameType = cvars.GetString("g_gametype");
if (!STRING_SET(gameType)) {
bool isCoop = cvars.GetBool("coop");
bool isSingle = (cvars.GetInteger("sv_playerslots") <= 1) ? (true) : (false);
gameType = (isSingle || isCoop) == (true) ? "singleplayer" : "deathmatch";
return (gameType);
cvarAPI_t cvars
Access cvarAPI_t functions using this variable.
Definition: api.h:121
float GetBool(string cvarName)
Returns the boolean value of a console variable.
string GetString(string cvarName)
Returns the string value of a console variable.
int GetInteger(string cvarName)
Returns the integer value of a console variable.

If you only plan on having one mode, ever, and disallow custom game modes - you can define it like this anywhere:

return ("deathmatch");

The progs in question is then able to override any methods of the ncGameRule class.

Implementing RuleC Progs

When we decide to load a rule from an external progs, that progs can be implemented with as many binds as you like. The only requirement is you include the header found under src/server/api.h.

Example RuleC

Here's a simple deathmatch rule, which will increment the score on the score-board for every player frag:

#pragma PROGS_DAT "../../progs/deathmatch.dat"
#include "../../../src/server/api.h"
precache.Entity("player"); // Precache everything associated with the player decl
motd.LoadDefault(); // Multiplayer game, so load the message of the day
CodeCallback_PlayerSpawn(entity playerTarget)
ents.ChangeToClass(playerTarget, "player"); // Turn the client into a fresh player
game.TeleportToSpawn(playerTarget); // Teleport the player to its destined start position
CodeCallback_PlayerRequestRespawn(entity playerTarget)
CodeCallback_PlayerSpawn(playerTarget); // When we request a respawn, let it happen
return (true);
CodeCallback_PlayerKilled(entity playerTarget, entity inflictor, entity attacker, string weapon)
playerTarget.deaths++; // increment death counter
if (ents.isPlayer(attacker)) {
if (playerTarget == attacker) {
attacker.frags--; // scoreboard penalty for the flub
} else {
attacker.frags++; // scoreboard reward
var weaponAPI_t weapon
Access weaponAPI_t functions using this variable.
Definition: api_func.h:453
var motdAPI_t motd
Access motdAPI_t functions using this variable.
Definition: api_func.h:184
var gameAPI_t game
Access gameAPI_t functions using this variable.
Definition: api_func.h:172
var entsAPI_t ents
Access entsAPI_t functions using this variable.
Definition: api_func.h:144
precacheAPI_t precache
Access precacheAPI_t functions using this variable.
Definition: api.h:476
entity ChangeToClass(entity targetEntity, string className)
Transitions an entity from one class to another.
bool isPlayer(entity entityToCheck)
Returns true/false depending on if the entity is a player.
void TeleportToSpawn(entity teleportingEntity)
Teleports an entity to their ideal spawn-point.
void LoadDefault(void)
Loads the message of the day from the default location: <gamedir>/motd.txt
float Entity(string className)
Precaches a given entity class.

Class To Progs Callback Mappings

Left = class method, right = name of the callback function for you to implement in progs.

ncRuleDelegate::Title = CodeCallback_Title
ncRuleDelegate::ClientCommand = CodeCallback_ClientCommand
ncRuleDelegate::ConsoleCommand = CodeCallback_ConsoleCommand
ncRuleDelegate::FrameStart = CodeCallback_FrameStart
ncRuleDelegate::ImpulseCommand = CodeCallback_ImpulseCommand
ncRuleDelegate::InitPostEnts = CodeCallback_StartGameType
ncRuleDelegate::Input = CodeCallback_Input
ncRuleDelegate::NPCDeath = CodeCallback_NPCKilled
ncRuleDelegate::PlayerCanAttack = CodeCallback_PlayerCanAttack
ncRuleDelegate::PlayerConnect = CodeCallback_PlayerConnect
ncRuleDelegate::PlayerDeath = CodeCallback_PlayerKilled
ncRuleDelegate::PlayerDisconnect = CodeCallback_PlayerDisconnect
ncRuleDelegate::PlayerPain = CodeCallback_PlayerDamage
ncRuleDelegate::PlayerPreFrame = CodeCallback_PlayerPreFrame
ncRuleDelegate::PlayerRequestRespawn = CodeCallback_PlayerRequestRespawn
ncRuleDelegate::PlayerRequestTeam = CodeCallback_CallRequestTeam
ncRuleDelegate::PlayerSpawn = CodeCallback_PlayerSpawn

The underlying return values and parameters are inherited from its class counter-part.

Inheritance diagram for ncRuleDelegate:

Public Member Functions

void ncRuleDelegate (void)
virtual void Save (float)
 Handles saving a copy of this entity to a given filehandle. More...
virtual void Restore (string, string)
 Similar to ncIO::SpawnKey() but for save-game fields. More...
virtual void RestoreComplete (void)
 Called when the entity has been successfully restored from a savegame file. More...
virtual void Input (entity, string, string)
 Called when we are being prompted by another object/function with an input message. More...
virtual void InitPostEnts (void)
 Overridable: Called when all map entities have initialized. More...
virtual void FrameStart (void)
 Overridable: Called every server frame. More...
virtual bool ConsoleCommand (ncPlayer, string)
 Overridable: Called when the server issues a console command. More...
virtual bool ClientCommand (ncClient, string)
 Overridable: Called when a client issues a client command. More...
virtual bool ImpulseCommand (ncClient, float)
 Overridable: Called when a client issues an impulse command. More...
virtual void PlayerConnect (ncPlayer)
 Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer joins the server. More...
virtual void PlayerDisconnect (ncPlayer)
 Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer leaves the server. More...
virtual void PlayerKill (ncPlayer)
 Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer issues the kill console command. More...
virtual void PlayerSpawn (ncPlayer)
 Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer spawns, called sometime after joining. More...
virtual void PlayerPreFrame (ncPlayer)
 Overridable: Called before running physics on the ncPlayer in question. More...
virtual void PlayerPostFrame (ncPlayer)
 Overridable: Called after running physics on the ncPlayer in question. More...
virtual void PlayerDeath (ncPlayer, ncEntity, ncEntity, string)
 Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer dies in the game. More...
virtual void PlayerPain (ncPlayer, ncActor, ncDict)
 Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer feels pain. More...
virtual bool PlayerCanAttack (ncPlayer)
 Overridable: Called to check if a ncPlayer can attack. More...
virtual void NPCDeath (ncActor, ncEntity, ncEntity)
 Overridable:: Called when an NPC gets killed. More...
virtual bool PlayerRequestRespawn (ncPlayer)
 Overridable: called when a ncPlayer requests a respawn. More...
virtual bool PlayerRequestTeam (ncPlayer, int team)
 Overridable: called when a ncPlayer requests joining a specific team. More...
virtual void LevelNewParms (void)
 Overridable: Called to set up new level parms for any ncPlayer. More...
virtual void LevelChangeParms (ncPlayer)
 Overridable: Called to store parms for a specific ncPlayer. More...
virtual int MaxItemPerSlot (int)
 Overridable: Returns how many items players can carry in a given slot. More...
virtual bool MonstersSpawn (void)
 Overridable: Returns if ncMonster or ncTalkMonster entities can spawn. More...
virtual void IntermissionStart (void)
 Called when intermission starts. More...
virtual void IntermissionCycle (void)
 Called when the intermission system calls a new map. More...
virtual void IntermissionEnd (void)
 Called when intermission ends. More...
virtual void IntermissionToPlayer (ncPlayer)
 Run to send a specific player to an intermission. More...
virtual bool InIntermission (void)
 Returns if the gamerules find themselves in an intermission. More...
virtual bool IsTeamplay (void)
 Returns if this gamerule considers itself teamplay oriented. More...
virtual bool IsMultiplayer (void)
 Returns if the gamerule is a multiplayer game. More...
virtual void ChatMessageAll (ncClient, string)
 Called by Nuclide when the server has received a chat message that is to be distributed amongst all clients, regardless of team. More...
virtual void ChatMessageTeam (ncClient, string)
 Called by Nuclide when the server has received a chat message that is to be distributed amongst all clients of the same team. More...
virtual string Title (void)
 Returns the title of the gamemode running. More...
nonvirtual ncRuleDelegate CreateRules (void)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ncRuleDelegate()

void ncRuleDelegate::ncRuleDelegate ( void  )

Member Function Documentation

◆ ChatMessageAll()

void ncRuleDelegate::ChatMessageAll ( ncClient  cl,
string  strMessage 

Called by Nuclide when the server has received a chat message that is to be distributed amongst all clients, regardless of team.

◆ ChatMessageTeam()

void ncRuleDelegate::ChatMessageTeam ( ncClient  cl,
string  strMessage 

Called by Nuclide when the server has received a chat message that is to be distributed amongst all clients of the same team.

◆ ClientCommand()

bool ncRuleDelegate::ClientCommand ( ncClient  pl,
string  cmd 

Overridable: Called when a client issues a client command.

◆ ConsoleCommand()

bool ncRuleDelegate::ConsoleCommand ( ncPlayer  pl,
string  cmd 

Overridable: Called when the server issues a console command.

◆ CreateRules()

ncRuleDelegate ncRuleDelegate::CreateRules ( void  )

◆ FrameStart()

void ncRuleDelegate::FrameStart ( void  )

Overridable: Called every server frame.

◆ ImpulseCommand()

bool ncRuleDelegate::ImpulseCommand ( ncClient  pl,
float  num 

Overridable: Called when a client issues an impulse command.

◆ InIntermission()

bool ncRuleDelegate::InIntermission ( void  )

Returns if the gamerules find themselves in an intermission.

◆ InitPostEnts()

void ncRuleDelegate::InitPostEnts ( void  )

Overridable: Called when all map entities have initialized.

◆ Input()

void ncRuleDelegate::Input ( entity  eAct,
string  strInput,
string  strData 

Called when we are being prompted by another object/function with an input message.

Reimplemented from ncIO.

◆ IntermissionCycle()

void ncRuleDelegate::IntermissionCycle ( void  )

Called when the intermission system calls a new map.

◆ IntermissionEnd()

void ncRuleDelegate::IntermissionEnd ( void  )

Called when intermission ends.

◆ IntermissionStart()

void ncRuleDelegate::IntermissionStart ( void  )

Called when intermission starts.

Will send all current players to the intermission screen.

◆ IntermissionToPlayer()

void ncRuleDelegate::IntermissionToPlayer ( ncPlayer  targetPlayer)

Run to send a specific player to an intermission.

Like when joining late.

◆ IsMultiplayer()

bool ncRuleDelegate::IsMultiplayer ( void  )

Returns if the gamerule is a multiplayer game.

◆ IsTeamplay()

bool ncRuleDelegate::IsTeamplay ( void  )

Returns if this gamerule considers itself teamplay oriented.

◆ LevelChangeParms()

void ncRuleDelegate::LevelChangeParms ( ncPlayer  pl)

Overridable: Called to store parms for a specific ncPlayer.

◆ LevelNewParms()

void ncRuleDelegate::LevelNewParms ( void  )

Overridable: Called to set up new level parms for any ncPlayer.

◆ MaxItemPerSlot()

int ncRuleDelegate::MaxItemPerSlot ( int  slot)

Overridable: Returns how many items players can carry in a given slot.

◆ MonstersSpawn()

bool ncRuleDelegate::MonstersSpawn ( void  )

Overridable: Returns if ncMonster or ncTalkMonster entities can spawn.

◆ NPCDeath()

void ncRuleDelegate::NPCDeath ( ncActor  npc,
ncEntity  attacker,
ncEntity  inflictor 

Overridable:: Called when an NPC gets killed.

◆ PlayerCanAttack()

bool ncRuleDelegate::PlayerCanAttack ( ncPlayer  bp)

Overridable: Called to check if a ncPlayer can attack.

◆ PlayerConnect()

void ncRuleDelegate::PlayerConnect ( ncPlayer  pl)

Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer joins the server.

◆ PlayerDeath()

void ncRuleDelegate::PlayerDeath ( ncPlayer  deadPlayer,
ncEntity  inflictor,
ncEntity  attacker,
string  weaponDef 

Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer dies in the game.

◆ PlayerDisconnect()

void ncRuleDelegate::PlayerDisconnect ( ncPlayer  pl)

Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer leaves the server.

◆ PlayerKill()

void ncRuleDelegate::PlayerKill ( ncPlayer  pl)

Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer issues the kill console command.

◆ PlayerPain()

void ncRuleDelegate::PlayerPain ( ncPlayer  pl,
ncActor  attacker,
ncDict  damageDecl 

Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer feels pain.

◆ PlayerPostFrame()

void ncRuleDelegate::PlayerPostFrame ( ncPlayer  pl)

Overridable: Called after running physics on the ncPlayer in question.

◆ PlayerPreFrame()

void ncRuleDelegate::PlayerPreFrame ( ncPlayer  pl)

Overridable: Called before running physics on the ncPlayer in question.

◆ PlayerRequestRespawn()

bool ncRuleDelegate::PlayerRequestRespawn ( ncPlayer  pl)

Overridable: called when a ncPlayer requests a respawn.

In a multiplayer game, it'll put you back into the game as a player. In a singleplayer game, it might load the most recent save.

True/false depending on the respawn succeeded.

◆ PlayerRequestTeam()

bool ncRuleDelegate::PlayerRequestTeam ( ncPlayer  pl,
int  team 

Overridable: called when a ncPlayer requests joining a specific team.

True/false depending on the team change success.

◆ PlayerSpawn()

void ncRuleDelegate::PlayerSpawn ( ncPlayer  pl)

Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer spawns, called sometime after joining.

◆ Restore()

void ncRuleDelegate::Restore ( string  strKey,
string  strValue 

Similar to ncIO::SpawnKey() but for save-game fields.

Whatever you write into file handles within your ncIO::Save() method needs to be read back in here.

Reimplemented from ncIO.

◆ RestoreComplete()

void ncRuleDelegate::RestoreComplete ( void  )

Called when the entity has been successfully restored from a savegame file.

Reimplemented from ncIO.

◆ Save()

void ncRuleDelegate::Save ( float  handle)

Handles saving a copy of this entity to a given filehandle.

Within you want to use the ncIO::SaveFloat() etc. methods to write the internal member attributes to the specified file handle.

Reimplemented from ncIO.

◆ Title()

string ncRuleDelegate::Title ( void  )

Returns the title of the gamemode running.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: