This is the complete list of members for ncRuleDelegate, including all inherited members.
ChatMessageAll(ncClient, string) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
ChatMessageTeam(ncClient, string) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
ClientCommand(ncClient, string) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
ConsoleCommand(ncPlayer, string) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
CreateRules(void) | ncRuleDelegate | |
FrameStart(void) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
ImpulseCommand(ncClient, float) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
InIntermission(void) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
InitPostEnts(void) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
Input(entity, string, string) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
IntermissionCycle(void) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
IntermissionEnd(void) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
IntermissionStart(void) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
IntermissionToPlayer(ncPlayer) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
IsMultiplayer(void) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
IsTeamplay(void) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
LevelChangeParms(ncPlayer) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
LevelNewParms(void) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
MaxItemPerSlot(int) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
MonstersSpawn(void) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
ncRuleDelegate(void) | ncRuleDelegate | |
NPCDeath(ncActor, ncEntity, ncEntity) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
PlayerCanAttack(ncPlayer) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
PlayerConnect(ncPlayer) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
PlayerDeath(ncPlayer, ncEntity, ncEntity, string) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
PlayerDisconnect(ncPlayer) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
PlayerKill(ncPlayer) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
PlayerPain(ncPlayer, ncActor, ncDict) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
PlayerPostFrame(ncPlayer) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
PlayerPreFrame(ncPlayer) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
PlayerRequestRespawn(ncPlayer) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
PlayerRequestTeam(ncPlayer, int team) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
PlayerSpawn(ncPlayer) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
Restore(string, string) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
RestoreComplete(void) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
Save(float) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |
Title(void) | ncRuleDelegate | virtual |