32 virtual void Save(
33 virtual void Restore(
35 virtual void Input(entity,
122 virtual string Title(
134 float m_flIntermissionTime;
135 float m_flIntermissionCycle;
136 entity m_eIntermissionPoint;
float g_ruleCProgs;
string g_ruleCName;
144#define CGameRules ncGameRules
145#define RULEMAP(x, y, z) x.y = externvalue(g_ruleCProgs, z); if (!x.y) { x.y = ncGameRules::y; }
This entity class represents an object with choreographed/free-form movement.
Definition: Actor.h:72
This entity class is the lowest client/player class.
Definition: Client.h:26
This class is responsible for handling groups of key/value pairs.
Definition: Dict.h:42
ncEntity is the lowest of the user-accessible entity class.
Definition: Entity.h:54
This class represents active gamerules.
Definition: GameRules.h:27
virtual bool IsMultiplayer(void)
Returns if the gamerule is a multiplayer game.
Definition: GameRules.qc:329
virtual bool ClientCommand(ncClient, string)
Overridable: Called when a client issues a client command.
Definition: GameRules.qc:98
virtual void FrameStart(void)
Overridable: Called every server frame.
Definition: GameRules.qc:88
virtual void NPCDeath(ncActor, ncEntity, ncEntity)
Overridable:: Called when an NPC gets killed.
Definition: GameRules.qc:134
virtual void PlayerConnect(ncPlayer)
Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer joins the server.
Definition: GameRules.qc:110
virtual string Title(void)
Returns the title of the gamemode running.
Definition: GameRules.qc:419
virtual void ChatMessageTeam(ncClient, string)
Called by Nuclide when the server has received a chat message that is to be distributed amongst all c...
Definition: GameRules.qc:388
virtual void PlayerPreFrame(ncPlayer)
Overridable: Called before running physics on the ncPlayer in question.
Definition: GameRules.qc:176
virtual void PlayerDeath(ncPlayer, ncEntity, ncEntity, string)
Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer dies in the game.
Definition: GameRules.qc:139
void ncGameRules(void)
Definition: GameRules.qc:22
virtual void RestoreComplete(void)
Called when the entity has been successfully restored from a savegame file.
Definition: GameRules.qc:74
virtual bool IsTeamplay(void)
Returns if this gamerule considers itself teamplay oriented.
Definition: GameRules.qc:324
virtual void PlayerKill(ncPlayer)
Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer issues the kill console command.
Definition: GameRules.qc:123
nonvirtual ncGameRules CreateRules(void)
Definition: GameRules.qc:429
virtual void IntermissionToPlayer(ncPlayer)
Run to send a specific player to an intermission.
Definition: GameRules.qc:288
virtual void IntermissionEnd(void)
Called when intermission ends.
Definition: GameRules.qc:335
virtual bool PlayerCanAttack(ncPlayer)
Overridable: Called to check if a ncPlayer can attack.
Definition: GameRules.qc:353
virtual void PlayerDisconnect(ncPlayer)
Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer leaves the server.
Definition: GameRules.qc:117
virtual bool InIntermission(void)
Returns if the gamerules find themselves in an intermission.
Definition: GameRules.qc:311
virtual void PlayerPain(ncPlayer, ncActor, ncDict)
Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer feels pain.
Definition: GameRules.qc:165
virtual void PlayerSpawn(ncPlayer)
Overridable: Called when a ncPlayer spawns, called sometime after joining.
Definition: GameRules.qc:171
virtual void Input(entity, string, string)
Called when we are being prompted by another object/function with an input message.
Definition: GameRules.qc:69
virtual int MaxItemPerSlot(int)
Overridable: Returns how many items players can carry in a given slot.
Definition: GameRules.qc:216
virtual void Restore(string, string)
Similar to ncIO::SpawnKey() but for save-game fields.
Definition: GameRules.qc:53
virtual bool ConsoleCommand(ncPlayer, string)
Overridable: Called when a client issues a console command.
Definition: GameRules.qc:93
virtual void IntermissionCycle(void)
Called when the intermission system calls a new map.
Definition: GameRules.qc:237
virtual bool PlayerRequestTeam(ncPlayer, int team)
Overridable: called when a ncPlayer requests joining a specific team.
Definition: GameRules.qc:365
virtual void Save(float)
Handles saving a copy of this entity to a given filehandle.
Definition: GameRules.qc:45
virtual void IntermissionStart(void)
Called when intermission starts.
Definition: GameRules.qc:222
virtual void PlayerPostFrame(ncPlayer)
Overridable: Called after running physics on the ncPlayer in question.
Definition: GameRules.qc:181
virtual bool MonstersSpawn(void)
Overridable: Returns if ncMonster or ncTalkMonster entities can spawn.
Definition: GameRules.qc:317
virtual void LevelNewParms(void)
Overridable: Called to set up new level parms for any ncPlayer.
Definition: GameRules.qc:188
virtual void LevelChangeParms(ncPlayer)
Overridable: Called to store parms for a specific ncPlayer.
Definition: GameRules.qc:193
virtual bool ImpulseCommand(ncClient, float)
Overridable: Called when a client issues an impulse command.
Definition: GameRules.qc:104
virtual void InitPostEnts(void)
Overridable: Called when all map entities have initialized.
Definition: GameRules.qc:82
virtual bool PlayerRequestRespawn(ncPlayer)
Overridable: called when a ncPlayer requests a respawn.
Definition: GameRules.qc:359
virtual void ChatMessageAll(ncClient, string)
Called by Nuclide when the server has received a chat message that is to be distributed amongst all c...
Definition: GameRules.qc:371
This class is responsible for handling core entity functionality.
Definition: IO.h:78
This entity class represents every player client.
Definition: Player.h:28