Software Development Kit for id Technology (BETA)
Model Importing

The engine handles all the file formats related to model files.

Table of supported model formats:

File Extension Type Description
mdl Animated, Vertex Quake 'Alias' Model
md2 Animated, Vertex Quake II Model
md3 Animated, Vertex Quake III Arena Model
mdx Animated, Vertex Kingpin Model
mdl Animated, Skeletal Half-Life Model
iqm Animated, Skeletal Inter Quake Model
vvm Animated, Skeletal Vera Visions Model
psk Animated, Skeletal Unreal Engine Model
zym Animated, Skeletal Zymotic Models
dpm Animated, Skeletal Darkplaces Model
gltf Animated, Skeletal GL Transmission Format
glb Animated, Skeletal GL Transmission Format Binary file
spr Sprite Quake I variant, Global Palette
spr2 Sprite Quake II
spr32 Sprite Darkplaces variant, uncompressed 32-bit color
obj Static Wavefront Object
lwo Static LightWave Object
ase Static Autodesk ASCII Scene Export

Formats available in plugin-form:

File Extension Type Description
mdl Animated, Skeletal Source Engine Model

Vera Visions Models (VVM)

Vera Visions Model, also known as VVM or IQM-FTE is the main skeletal model format.


Features that the original IQM exporter (by Lee Salzman) did not offer:

  • Support for external configuration files for IQM generation (ala studiomdl)
  • Pre-processor for rotating single or all input files
  • Pre-processor for translating/repositioning single or all input files
  • Pre-processor for renaming bones inside a single or all input files
  • Pre-processor for material prefixes inside a single or all input files

Some features that our extended specification (VVM) has to offer:

  • Support for hitmeshes for faster, content-aware collision detection
  • Automatic hitmesh generation
  • Submodels that allow showing/hiding specific groups of the model via the game-logic
  • Support for frame triggered events that can be read by the game-logic (model-events)
  • Level-of-detail range flag for references/sub-models
  • User-defined surface and contentflags per reference/sub-model

NOTE: Using any of the VVM features is not supported in any engine other than FTEQW

The tool's output will let you know if you're outputting an IQM compatible file or not.

It also has a re-engineered exporter that takes control files as input, rather than a giant command-line string. This was done because some models have hundreds of model parameters in The Wastes.


In 2016 when we had our first prototype of The Wastes, we started out using DPM for tool-chain related reasons and quickly migrated to IQM. However we needed a better system for handling reproducible output files. The original tool only handled compilation via plain command-line parameters which was not good enough.

The input command file (.qc) syntax is obviously inspired by qdata and other tools such as studiomdl. So if you're familiar with those tools you know exactly what to expect.

We then went on and designed extensions that we needed to make the game work, for example a generic model-events system that'd call events in the game-logic when a certain key-frame in the model is displayed.

More complicated things were hit-meshes, for more accurate hit detection of body parts as well as sub-models that made the action of shooting body-parts off possible.

We developed this together with David of FTEQW, since this had to be developed in conjunction with the FTEQW built-ins that'd later be exposed to the game-logic.

However, the initial extensions to the IQM format in FTE were designed by us; and this is the exporter that was used to make our game.

Previewing Models

You can grab a binary build of FTE 1 (basically a generic, non The Wastes specific version) and use the 'modelviewer' command in the console. The console can be opened via Shift+ESC.

If you want to see for example the Winston viewmodel, type modelviewer models/weapons/v_winchester.vvm

External links

vvmtool on GitHub

Tutorial: SMD to VVM


As you already know, the VVM exporter (vvmtool) takes inspiration from Valve's studiomdl in terms of usage. There are slight syntax differences, primarily because the way some features are implemented differ drastically.

For example, model events can be stacked and applied to many animation sequences at once. There is no way to do so with studiomdl.

Input files

Any .vvm consists of multiple input files. These can come in the following formats:

  • SMD (GoldSrc & Source)
  • MD5MESH and MD5ANIM (id Tech 4)
  • FBX
  • IQE
  • OBJ (no animations)

Make sure that when you use animated files, that the bone naming and bone order is consistent among them.

Control File

This file is the head of the format. It specifies how the input files are loaded in, with additional useful commands on how to manipulate the input data. Many of these features would not be possible with an internal, modeling program specific exporter for VVM.

Here's an EXCERPT of a control file from **The Wastes*:

output tommygun.vvm
materialprefix models/weapons/tommygun/
bone "Bone55" rename "Muzzleflash"
scene ref/tommygun.smd
rotate 0 -90 0
scene seq/idle.smd fps 20.0
scene seq/idle_empty.smd fps 20.0
event 0 1004 "weapons/tommygun/draw.wav 1"
scene seq/draw.smd fps 25.0
event reset
event 0 1004 "weapons/tommygun/draw.wav 1"
scene seq/draw_empty.smd fps 25.0
event reset
event 0 1004 "weapons/tommygun/holster.wav 1"
scene seq/holster.smd fps 30.0
event reset
event 0 1004 "weapons/tommygun/holster.wav 1"
scene seq/holster_empty.smd fps 30.0
origin 0 -32 0
event reset
event 14 1004 "weapons/tommygun/clipout.wav 1"
event 48 1004 "weapons/tommygun/clipin.wav 1"
scene seq/reload_not_empty.smd fps 22.0
event 64 1004 "weapons/tommygun/bolt.wav 1"
scene seq/reload.smd fps 22.0
origin 0 0 0
event reset
event 0 1001 "33 models/effects/muzzleflash/muzzleflash2.vvm"
event 0 1002 "3 40 0 70"
event 0 1005 "33 1"
scene seq/shoot.smd fps 30.0
scene seq/shoot_last.smd fps 30.0

That's a really complicated control file, but it highlights a few things:

  • You can specify as many events as you like...
  • and apply them to as many scenes as you want.
  • Creating an interface for a dedicated, in-modeling-program exporter would be unfeasible.
  • You can run commands to fix existing model input files after the fact, like bone renaming...
  • ... and even rotation, scaling and origin re-adjusting (on a per-input-file basis!)
  • The origin command is absolute, so set it to '0 0 0' to reset

However, a model control file doesn't need to be this complicated:

output terminal01.vvm
materialprefix models/props/computers/
rotate 0 -90 0
scene ref/terminal01.smd

This is models/props/computers/terminal01.qc from The Wastes.

What each line means:

output specifies the resulting final output file name and location relative to the control file.

materialprefix just appends this string to any referenced material. Ideally it's the location where the .vvm itself is stored in your game filesystem.

rotate Simply rotates all input files by 90 degrees on the Y/Yaw axis upon importing.

scene Tells it to load one input file, which is a reference. If it was an animation it'd specify a framerate via the 'fps X' parameter.


You grab your copy of vvmtool and you either drag and drop your control file onto it, or run it via command-line:

vvmtool.exe foobar.qc

It should be as simple as that!


Some helpful tips for your content creation journey.


I recommend getting a single reference, plus the animations into your game first, then adding events and other necessary commands on top.

You can use the console command vid_reload to force the engine to flush the model/texture cache and to reload an updated model from disk. Really useful when iterating over model exports.

Blender users

If you're using the Blender Source Model tools, as of 2021, it still doesn't down-mix certain animation features into the .smd format.

This is a problem with the Blender exporter, not vvmtool (as it also won't work in studiomdl).

So if your bones seem completely messed up, try .fbx instead.

If you absolutely need to use .smd, export it as .fbx in Blender, import said output back into Blender and then export as .fbx.