This is the complete list of members for ncProjectile, including all inherited members.
_Explode(entity) | ncProjectile | |
_FuseEnded(void) | ncProjectile | |
_LaunchHitscan(vector, vector, float) | ncProjectile | virtual |
Animate(int, int, float) | ncProjectile | |
AnimateOnce(int, int, float) | ncProjectile | |
Death(entity, entity, int, vector, vector, int) | ncProjectile | virtual |
EnableDetonateOnActor(bool) | ncProjectile | |
EnableDetonateOnDeath(bool) | ncProjectile | |
EnableDetonateOnFuse(bool) | ncProjectile | |
EnableDetonateOnWorld(bool) | ncProjectile | |
EnableInheritVelocity(bool) | ncProjectile | |
EnableStickToActor(bool) | ncProjectile | |
EnableStickToWorld(bool) | ncProjectile | |
EnableThrustHoming(bool) | ncProjectile | |
EvaluateEntity(void) | ncProjectile | virtual |
GetWeaponOwner(void) | ncProjectile | |
HasExploded(void) | ncProjectile | virtual |
Launch(vector, vector, float, float, float) | ncProjectile | virtual |
ncProjectile(void) | ncProjectile | |
Pain(entity, entity, int, vector, vector, int) | ncProjectile | virtual |
postdraw(void) | ncProjectile | virtual |
predraw(void) | ncProjectile | virtual |
ReceiveEntity(float, float) | ncProjectile | virtual |
Restore(string, string) | ncProjectile | virtual |
Save(float) | ncProjectile | virtual |
SendEntity(entity, float) | ncProjectile | virtual |
SetImpact(void(entity, entity)) | ncProjectile | |
SetLightColor(vector) | ncProjectile | |
SetLightRadius(float) | ncProjectile | |
SetWeaponOwner(ncWeapon) | ncProjectile | |
Spawned(void) | ncProjectile | virtual |
SpawnKey(string, string) | ncProjectile | virtual |
Touch(entity) | ncProjectile | virtual |
Trigger(entity, triggermode_t) | ncProjectile | virtual |