Software Development Kit for id Tech
fteextensions.qc File Reference


#define DEP_CSQC   DEP
#define DEP   __deprecated
#define FTEDEP(reason)
#define DP_CON_SET   /* The 'set' console command exists, and can be used to create/set cvars. */
#define DP_CON_SETA   /* The 'seta' console command exists, like the 'set' command, but also marks the cvar for archiving, allowing it to be written into the user's config. Use this command in your default.cfg file. */
#define DP_ENT_ALPHA
#define DP_EF_BLUE
#define DP_EF_NODRAW
#define DP_EF_RED
#define DP_ENT_SCALE
#define DP_ENT_TRAILEFFECTNUM   /* self.traileffectnum=particleeffectnum("myeffectname"); can be used to attach a particle trail to the given server entity. This is equivelent to calling trailparticles each frame. */
#define DP_GFX_FONTS
#define DP_MONSTERWALK   /* MOVETYPE_WALK is valid on non-player entities. Note that only players receive acceleration etc in line with none/bounce/fly/noclip movetypes on the player, thus you will have to provide your own accelerations (incluing gravity) yourself. */
#define DP_QC_CRC16
#define DP_QC_DIGEST_SHA256
#define DP_QC_ETOS
#define DP_QC_I18N   /* Specifies that the engine uses $MODULE.dat.$LANG.po files that translates the dotranslate_* globals on load - these are usually created via the _("foo") qcc intrinsic. */
#define DP_QC_MULTIPLETEMPSTRINGS   /* Superseded by DP_QC_UNLIMITEDTEMPSTRINGS. Functions that return a temporary string will not overwrite/destroy previous temporary strings until at least 16 strings are returned (or control returns to the engine). */
#define DP_QC_RENDER_SCENE   /* clearscene+addentity+setviewprop+renderscene+setmodel are available to menuqc. WARNING: DP advertises this extension without actually supporting it, FTE does actually support it. */
#define DP_QC_SPRINTF   /* Provides the sprintf builtin, which allows for rich formatting along the lines of C's function with the same name. Not to be confused with QC's sprint builtin. */
#define DP_QC_UNLIMITEDTEMPSTRINGS   /* Supersedes DP_QC_MULTIPLETEMPSTRINGS, superseded by FTE_QC_PERSISTENTTEMPSTRINGS. Specifies that all temp strings will be valid at least until the QCVM returns. */
#define DP_QC_URI_GET
#define DP_QC_URI_POST
#define DP_QUAKE3_MAP
#define DP_SND_SOUND7_WIP2
#define DP_SPRITE32
#define DP_SV_CLIENTCAMERA   /* Works like svc_setview except also handles pvs. */
#define DP_SV_CLIENTCOLORS   /* Provided only for compatibility with DP. */
#define DP_SV_CLIENTNAME   /* Provided only for compatibility with DP. */
#define DP_SV_CUSTOMIZEENTITYFORCLIENT   /* Deprecated feature for compat with DP. Can be slow, incompatible with splitscreen, usually malfunctions with mvds. */
#define DP_SV_DROPCLIENT   /* Equivelent to quakeworld's stuffcmd(self,"disconnect\n"); hack */
#define DP_SV_EFFECT
#define DP_SV_PLAYERPHYSICS   /* Allows reworking parts of NQ player physics. USE AT OWN RISK - this necessitates NQ physics and is thus guarenteed to break prediction. */
#define DP_SV_PRECACHEANYTIME   /* Specifies that the various precache builtins can be called at any time. WARNING: precaches are sent reliably while sound events, modelindexes, and particle events are not. This can mean sounds and particles might not work the first time around, or models may take a while to appear (after the reliables are received and the model is loaded from disk). Always attempt to precache a little in advance in order to reduce these issues (preferably at the start of the map...) */
#define DP_SV_PRINT   /* Says that the print builtin can be used from nqssqc (as well as just csqc), bypassing the developer cvar issues. */
#define DP_SV_ROTATINGBMODEL   /* Engines that support this support avelocity on MOVETYPE_PUSH entities, pushing entities out of the way as needed. */
#define DP_TE_BLOOD
#define DP_TE_SPARK
#define EXT_CSQC
#define FRIK_FILE
#define FTE_CALLTIMEOFDAY   /* Replication of mvdsv functionality (call calltimeofday to cause 'timeofday' to be called, with arguments that can be saved off to a global). Generally strftime is simpler to use. */
#define FTE_CSQC_ALTCONSOLES   /* The engine tracks multiple consoles. These may or may not be directly visible to the user. */
#define FTE_CSQC_BASEFRAME   /* Specifies that .basebone, .baseframe2, .baselerpfrac, baseframe1time, etc exist in csqc. These fields affect all bones in the entity's model with a lower index than the .basebone field, allowing you to give separate control to the legs of a skeletal model, without affecting the torso animations. */
#define FTE_CSQC_SERVERBROWSER   /* Provides builtins to query the engine's serverbrowser servers list from ssqc. Note that these builtins are always available in menuqc. */
#define FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS   /* Provides container objects for skeletal bone data, which can be modified on a per bone basis if needed. This allows you to dynamically generate animations (or just blend them with greater customisation) instead of being limited to a single animation or two. */
#define FTE_CSQC_RAWIMAGES   /* Provides raw rgba image access to csqc. With this, the csprogs can read textures into qc-accessible memory, modify it, and then upload it to the renderer. */
#define FTE_CSQC_RENDERTARGETS   /* VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR exists and can be used to redirect any rendering to a texture instead of the screen. */
#define FTE_CSQC_REVERB   /* Specifies that the mod can create custom reverb effects. Whether they will actually be used or not depends upon the sound driver. */
#define FTE_CSQC_WINDOWCAPTION   /* Provides csqc with the ability to change the window caption as displayed when running windowed or in the task bar when switched out. */
#define FTE_ENT_SKIN_CONTENTS   /* = CONTENTS_WATER; makes a brush entity into water. use -16 for a ladder. */
#define FTE_FORCESHADER   /* Allows csqc to override shaders on models with an explicitly named replacement. Also allows you to define shaders with a fallback if it does not exist on disk. */
#define FTE_FORCEINFOKEY   /* Provides an easy way to change a user's userinfo from the server. */
#define FTE_GFX_QUAKE3SHADERS   /* specifies that the engine has full support for vanilla quake3 shaders */
#define FTE_GFX_REMAPSHADER   /* With the raw power of stuffcmds, the r_remapshader console command is exposed! This mystical command can be used to remap any shader to another. Remapped shaders that specify $diffuse etc in some form will inherit the textures implied by the surface. */
#define FTE_GFX_IQM_HITMESH   /* Supports hitmesh iqm extensions. Also supports geomsets and embedded events. */
#define FTE_GFX_MODELEVENTS   /* Provides a query for per-animation events in model files, including from progs/ files. */
#define FTE_ISBACKBUFFERED   /* Allows you to check if a client has too many reliable messages pending. */
#define FTE_MEMALLOC   /* Allows dynamically allocating memory. Use pointers to access this memory. Memory will not be saved into saved games. */
#define FTE_MEDIA_CIN   /* playfilm command supports q2 cin files. */
#define FTE_MEDIA_ROQ   /* playfilm command supports q3 roq files. */
#define FTE_MULTIPROGS   /* Multiple progs.dat files can be loaded inside the same qcvm. Insert new ones with addprogs inside the 'init' function, and use externvalue+externset to rewrite globals (and hook functions) to link them together. Note that the result is generally not very clean unless you carefully design for it beforehand. */
#define FTE_MULTITHREADED   /* Faux multithreading, allowing multiple contexts to run in sequence. */
#define FTE_MVD_PLAYERSTATS   /* In csqc, getplayerstat can be used to query any player's stats when playing back MVDs. isdemo will return 2 in this case. */
#define FTE_PART_SCRIPT   /* Specifies that the r_particledesc cvar can be used to select a list of particle effects to load from particles/foo.cfg, the format of which is documented elsewhere. */
#define FTE_PART_NAMESPACES   /* Specifies that the engine can use to load effect foo from particle description bar. When used via ssqc, this should cause the client to download whatever effects as needed. */
#define FTE_PART_NAMESPACE_EFFECTINFO   /* Specifies that can load effects from effectinfo.txt for DP compatibility. */
#define FTE_PEXT_SETVIEW   /* NQ's svc_setview works correctly even in quakeworld */
#define FTE_PEXT_VIEW2
#define FTE_PEXT_Q2BSP   /* Specifies that the client supports q2bsps. */
#define FTE_PEXT_Q3BSP   /* Specifies that the client supports q3bsps. */
#define FTE_HEXEN2
#define FTE_PEXT_256PACKETENTITIES   /* Specifies that the client is not limited to vanilla's limit of only 64 ents visible at once. */
#define FTE_QC_BASEFRAME   /* Specifies that .basebone and .baseframe exist in ssqc. These fields affect all bones in the entity's model with a lower index than the .basebone field, allowing you to give separate control to the legs of a skeletal model, without affecting the torso animations, from ssqc. */
#define FTE_QC_FILE_BINARY   /* Extends FRIK_FILE with binary read+write, as well as allowing seeking. Requires pointers. */
#define FTE_QC_CHANGELEVEL_HUB   /* Adds an extra argument to changelevel which is carried over to the next map in the 'spawnspot' global. Maps will be saved+reloaded until the extra argument is omitted again, purging all saved maps. Saved games will contain a copy of each preserved map. parm1-parm64 globals can be used, giving more space to transfer more player data. */
#define FTE_QC_CHECKCOMMAND   /* Provides a way to test if a console command exists, and whether its a command/alias/cvar. Does not say anything about the expected meanings of any arguments or values. */
#define FTE_QC_CUSTOMSKINS   /* The engine supports the use of q3 skins, as well as the use of such skin 'files' to specify rich top+bottom colours, qw skins, geomsets, or texture composition even on non-players.. */
#define FTE_QC_DIGEST_SHA1   /* The digest_hex builtin supports 160-bit sha1 hashes. */
#define FTE_QC_DIGEST_SHA224   /* The digest_hex builtin supports 224-bit sha2 hashes. */
#define FTE_QC_DIGEST_SHA384   /* The digest_hex builtin supports 384-bit sha2 hashes. */
#define FTE_QC_DIGEST_SHA512   /* The digest_hex builtin supports 512-bit sha2 hashes. */
#define FTE_QC_HARDWARECURSORS   /* setcursormode exists in both csqc+menuqc, and accepts additional arguments to specify a cursor image to use when this module has focus. If the image exceeds hardware limits (or hardware cursors are unsupported), it will be emulated using regular draws - this at least still avoids conflicting cursors as only one will ever be used, even if console+menu+csqc are all overlayed. */
#define FTE_QC_HASHTABLES   /* Provides efficient string-based lookups. */
#define FTE_QC_INFOKEY   /* QuakeWorld's infokey builtin works, and reports at least name+topcolor+bottomcolor+ping(in ms)+ip(unmasked, but not always ipv4)+team(aka bottomcolor in nq). Does not require actual localinfo/serverinfo/userinfo, but they're _highly_ recommended to any engines with csqc */
#define FTE_QC_INTCONV   /* Provides string<>int conversions, including hex representations. */
#define FTE_QC_MULTICAST   /* QuakeWorld's multicast builtin works along with MSG_MULTICAST, but also with unicast support. */
#define FTE_QC_PERSISTENTTEMPSTRINGS   /* Supersedes DP_QC_MULTIPLETEMPSTRINGS. Temp strings are garbage collected automatically, and do not expire while they're still in use. This makes strzone redundant. */
#define FTE_QC_SENDPACKET   /* Allows the use of out-of-band udp packets to/from other hosts. Includes the SV_ParseConnectionlessPacket event. */
#define FTE_QC_STUFFCMDFLAGS   /* Variation on regular stuffcmd that gives control over how spectators/mvds should be treated. */
#define FTE_QUAKE2_CLIENT   /* This engine is able to act as a quake2 client */
#define FTE_QUAKE2_SERVER   /* This engine is able to act as a quake2 server */
#define FTE_QUAKE3_CLIENT   /* This engine is able to act as a quake3 client */
#define FTE_QUAKE3_SERVER   /* This engine is able to act as a quake3 server */
#define FTE_SOLID_BSPTRIGGER   /* Allows for mappers to use shaped triggers instead of being limited to axially aligned triggers. */
#define FTE_SOLID_LADDER   /* Allows a simple trigger to remove effects of gravity (solid 20). obsolete. will prolly be removed at some point as it is not networked properly. Use FTE_ENT_SKIN_CONTENTS */
#define FTE_SPLITSCREEN   /* Client supports splitscreen, controlled via cl_splitscreen. Servers require allow_splitscreen 1 if splitscreen is to be used over the internet. Mods that use csqc will need to be aware for this to work properly. per-client networking may be problematic. */
#define FTE_SQL   /* Provides sql* builtins which can be used for sql database access */
#define FTE_SQL_SQLITE   /* SQL functionality is able to utilise sqlite databases */
#define FTE_STRINGS   /* Extra builtins (and additional behaviour) to make string manipulation easier */
#define FTE_SV_POINTPARTICLES   /* Specifies that particleeffectnum, pointparticles, and trailparticles exist in ssqc as well as csqc. particleeffectnum acts as a precache, allowing ssqc values to be networked up with csqc for use. Use in combination with FTE_PART_SCRIPT+FTE_PART_NAMESPACES to use custom effects. This extension is functionally identical to the DP version, but avoids any misplaced assumptions about the format of the client's particle descriptions. */
#define FTE_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS   /* Provides builtins to replace writebytes, with a QW compatible twist. */
#define FTE_TERRAIN_MAP   /* This engine supports .hmp files, as well as terrain embedded within bsp files. */
#define FTE_RAW_MAP   /* This engine supports directly loading .map files, as well as realtime editing of the various brushes. */
#define FTE_INFOBLOBS   /* Removes the length limits on user/server/local info strings, and allows embedded nulls and other otherwise-reserved characters. This can be used to network avatar images and the like, or other binary data. */
#define FTE_VRINPUTS   /* input_weapon, input_left_*, input_right_*, input_head_* work, both in csqc (as inputs with suitable plugin/hardware support) and ssqc (available in PlayerPreThink). */
#define KRIMZON_SV_PARSECLIENTCOMMAND   /* SSQC's SV_ParseClientCommand function is able to handle client 'cmd' commands. The tokenizing parts also work in csqc. */
#define NEH_CMD_PLAY2
#define QW_ENGINE
#define QWE_MVD_RECORD   /* You can use the easyrecord command to record MVD demos serverside. */
#define TEI_MD3_MODEL
#define TEI_SHOWLMP2
#define TENEBRAE_GFX_DLIGHTS   /* Allows ssqc to attach rtlights to entities with various special properties. */
#define ZQ_MOVETYPE_FLY   /* MOVETYPE_FLY works on players. */
#define ZQ_MOVETYPE_NOCLIP   /* MOVETYPE_NOCLIP works on players. */
#define ZQ_MOVETYPE_NONE   /* MOVETYPE_NONE works on players. */
#define ZQ_VWEP
#define ZQ_QC_STRINGS   /* The strings-only subset of FRIK_FILE is supported. */
#define strbuf   float
#define searchhandle   float
#define hashtable   float
#define infostring   string
#define filestream   float
#define ftell   fseek
#define strcmp   strncmp
#define dotproduct(v1, v2)   ((vector)(v1)*(vector)(v2))
#define setviewprop   setproperty
#define getviewprop   getproperty
#define uri_post   uri_get


typedef struct json_s * json_t
typedef __variant field_t


enum  json_type_e : int {
enum  bool { false , true }


 void (float reqid, float responsecode, string resourcebody, int resourcebytes) URI_Get_Callback
 void (string cmdtext) GameCommand
 string (string uri, string method, string postdata, __in string requestheaders, __inout string responseheaders) Cef_GeneratePage
 void () m_init
 void (vector screensize) m_draw = #0:setmousepos
 void (vector screensize, float opaque) m_drawloading
 float (float evtype, float scanx, float chary, float devid) Menu_InputEvent
 __deprecated ("Use Menu_InputEvent") void(float scan
 void (float wantmode) m_toggle = #49
 float (string cmd) m_consolecommand = #1
 float (float idx) m_gethostcachecategory = #18
 void (string err,...) error = #3
__deprecated void (float clientnum, string text,...) msprint
 vector (vector) normalize = #11
 float (vector) vlen = #10
 float () random = #60
 void (string name, string value) cvar_set = #489
 string (float) ftos = #50
 string (vector) vtos
 string (entity) etos = #0:generateentitydata
 entity () spawn
 void (entity) remove = #33
 entity (entity start,.string field, string match) find
 entity (entity start,.__variant field, __variant match) findfloat
 entity (.string field, string match) findchain
 entity (.__variant field, __variant match) findchainfloat
 string (string file) precache_file = #29
 entity (entity) nextent
 vector () randomvector = #66
 float (string name, string value, float flags) registercvar
 float (float,...) min = #44
 float (float min, float value, float max) bound
 float (float, float) pow
 void (entity src, entity dst) copyentity
 float (string filename, float mode) fopen = #222
 void (float fhandle, string s) fputs
 string (string, optional string, optional string, optional string, optional string, optional string, optional string, optional string) strcat
 string (string s, float start, float length) substring
 vector (string) stov = #460
 void (string sample, optional float channel, optional float volume) localsound = #306
 float (optional float timetype) gettime
 float (string pattern, enumflags:float{SB_CASEINSENSITIVE=1<< 0, SB_FULLPACKAGEPATH=1<< 1, SB_ALLOWDUPES=1<< 2, SB_FORCESEARCH=1<< 3, SB_MULTISEARCH=1<< 4, SB_NAMESORT=1<< 5} flags, float quiet, optional string package) search_begin
 string (float handle, float num) search_getfilename
 float (entity) etof = #353
 entity (float) ftoe
__deprecated string (string str, float num) altstr_get
__deprecated string (string str, float num, string setval) altstr_set
 entity (entity start,.float field, float match) findflags
 entity (.float field, float match) findchainflags
 void (entity ent, string mname) setmodel
 void (entity ent, vector neworg) setorigin
 float (float v, optional float base) logarithm = #287
 float (__variant funcref) checkbuiltin
 int (float fhandle, void *ptr, int size) fread = #0:fwrite
 int (float fhandle, optional int newoffset) fseek = #0:fsize
 void (optional __variant ret) abort
 float (string s1, string sub, optional float startidx) strstrofs
 string (float chr,...) chr2str
 string (float ccase, float redalpha, float redchars, string str,...) strconv
 string (float pad, string str1,...) strpad = #478
 string (string old, string key, string value) infoadd = #484
 string (string info, string key) infoget = #0:gecko_getproperty
 float (string s1, string s2, optional float len, optional float s1ofs, optional float s2ofs) strncmp
 float (string s1, string s2) strcasecmp = #242
 float (string s1, string s2, float len, optional float s1ofs, optional float s2ofs) strncasecmp
 float (string shadername, optional string defaultshader,...) shaderforname
 jsonnode (string) json_parse
 void (jsonnode) json_free
 json_type_e (jsonnode node) json_get_value_type
 int (jsonnode node) json_get_integer = #0:json_get_length
 float (jsonnode node) json_get_float
 string (jsonnode node) json_get_string = #0:json_get_name
 jsonnode (jsonnode node, string) json_find_object_child
 jsonnode (jsonnode node, int childindex) json_get_child_at_index
 int (float) ftoi
 float (int, optional float shift, float mask=24) itof
 vector (vector v1, vector v2) crossproduct
 void (float table, string name, __variant value, optional float typeandflags) hash_add
 __variant (float table, string name, optional __variant deflt, optional float requiretype, optional float index) hash_get
 __variant (float table, string name) hash_delete
 void (entity ent, vector lightdir, vector lightavg, vector lightrange, int reserved1=0, void *reserved2=0) addentity_lighting
 void (vector org, vector texcoords, vector rgb, float alpha) R_PolygonVertex
 __variant (float property) getproperty
 float (vector pos, vector size, float alignflags, string text) drawtextfield
 void (string imagename, int width, int height, void *pixeldata, optional int datasize, optional int format) r_uploadimage
 void (vector pivot, vector mins, vector maxs, string pic, vector rgb, float alpha, float angle) drawrotpic
 void (vector pivot, vector mins, vector maxs, string pic, vector txmin, vector txsize, vector rgb, vector alphaandangles) drawrotsubpic
 void (float usecursor, optional string cursorimage, optional vector hotspot, optional float scale) setcursormode
 void (float seat, string keyname, string newvalue) setlocaluserinfo
 string (float seat, string keyname) getlocaluserinfo = #445
 void (float seat, string keyname, void *outptr, int size) setlocaluserinfoblob
 int (float seat, string keyname, void *outptr, int maxsize) getlocaluserinfoblob
 float (string fontname, string fontmaps, string sizes, float slot, optional float fix_scale, optional float fix_voffset) loadfont
 void (entity e, string skinfilename, optional string skindata) setcustomskin
 void (__variant *ptr) memfree
 void (__variant *dst, __variant *src, int size) memcpy
 void (__variant *dst, int val, int size) memfill8
 __variant (__variant *dst, float ofs) memgetval
 void (__variant *dst, float ofs, __variant val) memsetval
 string (string conname, string field, optional string newvalue) con_getset
 void (string conname, string messagefmt,...) con_printf
 void (string conname, vector pos, vector size, float fontsize) con_draw
 float (string conname, float inevtype, float parama, float paramb, float paramc) con_input
 float (entity e, float nowreadonly) entityprotection
 void (int cliptype) clipboard_get
 void (int cliptype, string text) clipboard_set
 void (float bufhandle_from, float bufhandle_to) buf_copy = #449
 void (float bufhandle, float sortprefixlen, float backward) buf_sort
 void (float bufhandle, float string_index, string str) bufstr_set
 float (float bufhandle, string str, float ordered) bufstr_add
 string (string name, optional float flags) precache_pic = #0:findkeysforcommandex
 float (vector position, float character, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float flag) drawcharacter
 float (vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float flag) drawrawstring = #456
 float (vector position, vector size, vector rgb, float alpha, optional float flag) drawfill
 void (float x, float y, float width, float height) drawsetcliparea = #617
 void (float width, vector pos1, vector pos2) drawline
 float (vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) drawstring
 float (string text, float usecolours, vector fontsize='8 8') stringwidth
 void (vector pos, vector sz, string pic, vector srcpos, vector srcsz, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag) drawsubpic
 float (string s, string separator1,...) tokenizebyseparator
 float (string name, optional string initialURI) gecko_create
 float (string name, float key, float eventtype, optional float charcode) gecko_keyevent
 void (string name, float x, float y) gecko_mousemove = #492
 __deprecated ("Use digest_hex") float(float caseinsensitive
 field_t (float fieldnum) entityfieldref
 string (float fieldnum, entity ent) getentityfieldstring
 float (float fieldnum, entity ent, string s) putentityfieldstring
 string (string filename, optional enumflags:float{WP_REFERENCEPACKAGE, WP_FULLPACKAGEPATH} flags) whichpack
 float (string uril, float id, optional string postmimetype, optional string postdata) uri_get
 void (float float, string pattern, string antipattern) buf_cvarlist
 float (float filehandle, float bufhandle, optional float startpos, optional float numstrings) buf_writefile
 float (float bufhandle, string match, float matchrule, float startpos, float step) bufstr_find
 void (...) callfunction
 void (float fh, entity e) writetofile
 vector (float vidmode, optional float forfullscreen) getresolution
 float (entity e, string s, optional float offset) parseentitydata
 void (float mask, float fld, string str, float op) sethostcachemaskstring
 void (optional float dopurge) refreshhostcache
 string () getextresponse
 string (int n, int prop) getpackagemanagerinfo
 string (string fmt,...) sprintf
 float (float key, string bind, optional float bindmap, optional float modifier) setkeybind
 string (string digest, string data,...) digest_hex
 string (string digest, void *data, int length) digest_ptr


entity self
void end_sys_globals
void end_sys_fields
float time
float chr m_keydown
float chr m_keyup
var vector drawfontscale = '1 1 0'
float drawfont
const float FONT_DEFAULT = 0
const float TRUE = 1
const float FALSE = 0
const float M_PI = 3.14159
const float CVAR_TYPEFLAG_EXISTS = 1
const float CVAR_TYPEFLAG_SAVED = 2
const float CVAR_TYPEFLAG_ENGINE = 8
const float RESTYPE_MODEL = 0
const float RESTYPE_SOUND = 1
const float RESTYPE_PARTICLE = 2
const float RESTYPE_PIC = 3
const float RESTYPE_SKIN = 4
const float RESTYPE_TEXTURE = 5
const float RESSTATE_NOTKNOWN = 0
const float RESSTATE_NOTLOADED = 1
const float RESSTATE_LOADING = 2
const float RESSTATE_FAILED = 3
const float RESSTATE_LOADED = 4
const float EV_STRING = 1
const float EV_FLOAT = 2
const float EV_VECTOR = 3
const float EV_ENTITY = 4
const float EV_FIELD = 5
const float EV_FUNCTION = 6
const float EV_POINTER = 7
const float EV_INTEGER = 8
const float EV_UINT = 9
const float EV_INT64 = 10
const float EV_UINT64 = 11
const float EV_DOUBLE = 12
float gamestate
const float HASH_REPLACE = 256
const float HASH_ADD = 512
const float PRECACHE_PIC_FROMWAD = 1
const float PRECACHE_PIC_NOCLAMP = 4
const float PRECACHE_PIC_DOWNLOAD = 256
const float PRECACHE_PIC_TEST = 512
const float VF_MIN = 1
const float VF_MIN_X = 2
const float VF_MIN_Y = 3
const float VF_SIZE = 4
const float VF_SIZE_X = 5
const float VF_SIZE_Y = 6
const float VF_VIEWPORT = 7
const float VF_FOV = 8
const float VF_FOV_X = 9
const float VF_FOV_Y = 10
const float VF_ORIGIN = 11
const float VF_ORIGIN_X = 12
const float VF_ORIGIN_Y = 13
const float VF_ORIGIN_Z = 14
const float VF_ANGLES = 15
const float VF_ANGLES_X = 16
const float VF_ANGLES_Y = 17
const float VF_ANGLES_Z = 18
const float VF_MINDIST = 23
const float VF_MAXDIST = 24
const float VF_PERSPECTIVE = 200
const float VF_AFOV = 203
const float VF_SCREENVSIZE = 204
const float VF_SCREENPSIZE = 205
const float VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR = 212
const float VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR1 = 213
const float VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR2 = 214
const float VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR3 = 215
const float VF_RT_SOURCECOLOUR = 209
const float VF_RT_DEPTH = 210
const float VF_RT_RIPPLE = 211
const float VF_ENVMAP = 220
const float VF_USERDATA = 221
const float VF_PROJECTIONOFFSET = 224
const float DRAWFLAG_NORMAL = 0
const float DRAWFLAG_ADD = 1
const float DRAWFLAG_MODULATE = 2
const float DRAWFLAG_2D = 4
const float DRAWFLAG_TWOSIDED = 1024
const float DRAWFLAG_LINES = 2048
const float IMGFMT_R8G8B8A8 = 1
const float IMGFMT_R16G16B16A16F = 2
const float IMGFMT_R32G32B32A32F = 3
const float IMGFMT_D16 = 4
const float IMGFMT_D24 = 5
const float IMGFMT_D32 = 6
const float IMGFMT_R8 = 7
const float IMGFMT_R16F = 8
const float IMGFMT_R32F = 9
const float IMGFMT_A2B10G10R10 = 10
const float IMGFMT_R5G6B5 = 11
const float IMGFMT_R4G4B4A4 = 12
const float IMGFMT_R8G8 = 13
const float IMGFMT_R32G32B32F = 14
const float RF_DEPTHHACK = 4
const float RF_ADDITIVE = 8
const float IE_KEYDOWN = 0
const float IE_KEYUP = 1
const float IE_MOUSEDELTA = 2
const float IE_MOUSEABS = 3
const float IE_ACCELEROMETER = 4
const float IE_FOCUS = 5
const float IE_JOYAXIS = 6
const float IE_GYROSCOPE = 7
const float GGDI_GAMEDIR = 0
const float GGDI_DESCRIPTION = 1
const float GGDI_OVERRIDES = 2
const float GGDI_LOADCOMMAND = 3
const float GGDI_ICON = 4
const float GGDI_GAMEDIRLIST = 5
const float FILE_READ = 0
const float FILE_APPEND = 1
const float FILE_WRITE = 2
const float FILE_READNL = 4
const float FILE_MMAP_READ = 5
const float FILE_MMAP_RW = 6
const float SLIST_SORTFIELD = 6
const float SLIST_TEST_CONTAINS = 0
const float SLIST_TEST_LESSEQUAL = 2
const float SLIST_TEST_LESS = 3
const float SLIST_TEST_EQUAL = 4
const float SLIST_TEST_GREATER = 5
const float SLIST_TEST_NOTEQUAL = 7
entity *__variant fld
entity *__variant __variant match
entity *__variant __variant int type =EV_STRING
entity *__variant __variant int __out int count find_list = #0:find_list
void *int bytes createbuffer = #0:createbuffer
accessor jsonnode = json_find_object_child
int *string filename
int *string __out int width
int *string __out int __out int height
int *string __out int __out int __out int format r_readimage = #0:r_readimage
__variant *int size memalloc = #384
__variant *__variantbase
__variant *__variant float ofs memptradd = #390
string s = json_get_string
string crc16 = #494
const float K_TAB = 9
const float K_ENTER = 13
const float K_ESCAPE = 27
const float K_SPACE = 32
const float K_BACKSPACE = 127
const float K_UPARROW = 128
const float K_DOWNARROW = 129
const float K_LEFTARROW = 130
const float K_RIGHTARROW = 131
const float K_LALT = 132
const float K_RALT = -280
const float K_LCTRL = 133
const float K_RCTRL = -281
const float K_LSHIFT = 134
const float K_RSHIFT = -282
const float K_F1 = 135
const float K_F2 = 136
const float K_F3 = 137
const float K_F4 = 138
const float K_F5 = 139
const float K_F6 = 140
const float K_F7 = 141
const float K_F8 = 142
const float K_F9 = 143
const float K_F10 = 144
const float K_F11 = 145
const float K_F12 = 146
const float K_INS = 147
const float K_DEL = 148
const float K_PGDN = 149
const float K_PGUP = 150
const float K_HOME = 151
const float K_END = 152
const float K_KP_HOME = 164
const float K_KP_UPARROW = 165
const float K_KP_PGUP = 166
const float K_KP_LEFTARROW = 161
const float K_KP_5 = 162
const float K_KP_RIGHTARROW = 163
const float K_KP_END = 158
const float K_KP_DOWNARROW = 159
const float K_KP_PGDN = 160
const float K_KP_ENTER = 172
const float K_KP_INS = 157
const float K_KP_DEL = 167
const float K_KP_SLASH = 168
const float K_KP_MINUS = 170
const float K_KP_PLUS = 171
const float K_KP_NUMLOCK = 154
const float K_KP_STAR = 169
const float K_KP_EQUALS = 173
const float K_MOUSE1 = 512
const float K_MOUSE2 = 513
const float K_MOUSE3 = 514
const float K_MOUSE4 = 517
const float K_MOUSE5 = 518
const float K_MOUSE6 = 519
const float K_MOUSE7 = 520
const float K_MOUSE8 = 521
const float K_MOUSE9 = 522
const float K_MOUSE10 = 523
const float K_MWHEELUP = 515
const float K_MWHEELDOWN = 516
const float K_LWIN = -274
const float K_RWIN = -275
const float K_APP = -276
const float K_SEARCH = -277
const float K_POWER = -130
const float K_VOLUP = -278
const float K_VOLDOWN = -279
const float K_JOY1 = 768
const float K_JOY2 = 769
const float K_JOY3 = 770
const float K_JOY4 = 771
const float K_JOY5 = 772
const float K_JOY6 = 773
const float K_JOY7 = 774
const float K_JOY8 = 775
const float K_JOY9 = 776
const float K_JOY10 = 777
const float K_JOY11 = 778
const float K_JOY12 = 779
const float K_JOY13 = 780
const float K_JOY14 = 781
const float K_JOY15 = 782
const float K_JOY16 = 783
const float K_JOY17 = 784
const float K_JOY18 = 785
const float K_JOY19 = 786
const float K_JOY20 = 787
const float K_JOY21 = 788
const float K_JOY22 = 789
const float K_JOY23 = 790
const float K_JOY24 = 791
const float K_JOY25 = 792
const float K_JOY26 = 793
const float K_JOY27 = 794
const float K_JOY28 = 795
const float K_JOY29 = 796
const float K_JOY30 = 797
const float K_JOY31 = 798
const float K_JOY32 = 799
const float K_AUX1 = 800
const float K_AUX2 = 801
const float K_AUX3 = 802
const float K_AUX4 = 803
const float K_AUX5 = 804
const float K_AUX6 = 805
const float K_AUX7 = 806
const float K_AUX8 = 807
const float K_AUX9 = 808
const float K_AUX10 = 809
const float K_AUX11 = 810
const float K_AUX12 = 811
const float K_AUX13 = 812
const float K_AUX14 = 813
const float K_AUX15 = 814
const float K_AUX16 = 815
const float K_PAUSE = 153
const float K_PRINTSCREEN = 174
const float K_CAPSLOCK = 155
const float K_SCROLLLOCK = 156
const float K_SEMICOLON = 59
const float K_PLUS = 43
const float K_MINUS = 45
const float K_APOSTROPHE = 39
const float K_QUOTES = 34
const float K_TILDE = 126
const float K_BACKQUOTE = 96
const float K_BACKSLASH = 92
const float K_GP_A = 826
const float K_GP_B = 827
const float K_GP_X = 828
const float K_GP_Y = 829
const float K_GP_LSHOULDER = 824
const float K_GP_RSHOULDER = 825
const float K_GP_LTRIGGER = 830
const float K_GP_RTRIGGER = 831
const float K_GP_BACK = 821
const float K_GP_START = 820
const float K_GP_LTHUMB = 822
const float K_GP_RTHUMB = 823
const float K_GP_DPAD_UP = 816
const float K_GP_DPAD_DOWN = 817
const float K_GP_DPAD_LEFT = 818
const float K_GP_DPAD_RIGHT = 819
const float K_GP_GUIDE = -238
const float K_GP_SHARE = -248
const float K_GP_PADDLE1 = -249
const float K_GP_PADDLE2 = -250
const float K_GP_PADDLE3 = -251
const float K_GP_PADDLE4 = -252
const float K_GP_TOUCHPAD = -253
const float K_GP_UNKNOWN = -264
const float K_GP_LTHUMB_UP = 832
const float K_GP_LTHUMB_DOWN = 833
const float K_GP_LTHUMB_LEFT = 834
const float K_GP_LTHUMB_RIGHT = 835
const float K_GP_RTHUMB_UP = 836
const float K_GP_RTHUMB_DOWN = 837
const float K_GP_RTHUMB_LEFT = 838
const float K_GP_RTHUMB_RIGHT = 839
get float f = json_get_float
get __int i = json_get_integer
get __int length = json_get_length
get jsonnode a [__int key] = json_get_child_at_index
get string name = json_get_name

Macro Definition Documentation




#define DEP   __deprecated


#define DEP_CSQC   DEP

◆ dotproduct

#define dotproduct (   v1,
)    ((vector)(v1)*(vector)(v2))


#define DP_CON_SET   /* The 'set' console command exists, and can be used to create/set cvars. */


#define DP_CON_SETA   /* The 'seta' console command exists, like the 'set' command, but also marks the cvar for archiving, allowing it to be written into the user's config. Use this command in your default.cfg file. */






#define DP_EF_BLUE






#define DP_EF_NODRAW






#define DP_EF_RED


#define DP_ENT_ALPHA








#define DP_ENT_SCALE


#define DP_ENT_TRAILEFFECTNUM   /* self.traileffectnum=particleeffectnum("myeffectname"); can be used to attach a particle trail to the given server entity. This is equivelent to calling trailparticles each frame. */






#define DP_GFX_FONTS


















#define DP_MONSTERWALK   /* MOVETYPE_WALK is valid on non-player entities. Note that only players receive acceleration etc in line with none/bounce/fly/noclip movetypes on the player, thus you will have to provide your own accelerations (incluing gravity) yourself. */












#define DP_QC_CRC16








#define DP_QC_DIGEST_SHA256






#define DP_QC_ETOS























◆ DP_QC_I18N

#define DP_QC_I18N   /* Specifies that the engine uses $MODULE.dat.$LANG.po files that translates the dotranslate_* globals on load - these are usually created via the _("foo") qcc intrinsic. */




#define DP_QC_MULTIPLETEMPSTRINGS   /* Superseded by DP_QC_UNLIMITEDTEMPSTRINGS. Functions that return a temporary string will not overwrite/destroy previous temporary strings until at least 16 strings are returned (or control returns to the engine). */




#define DP_QC_RENDER_SCENE   /* clearscene+addentity+setviewprop+renderscene+setmodel are available to menuqc. WARNING: DP advertises this extension without actually supporting it, FTE does actually support it. */




#define DP_QC_SPRINTF   /* Provides the sprintf builtin, which allows for rich formatting along the lines of C's function with the same name. Not to be confused with QC's sprint builtin. */
























#define DP_QC_UNLIMITEDTEMPSTRINGS   /* Supersedes DP_QC_MULTIPLETEMPSTRINGS, superseded by FTE_QC_PERSISTENTTEMPSTRINGS. Specifies that all temp strings will be valid at least until the QCVM returns. */




#define DP_QC_URI_GET


#define DP_QC_URI_POST












#define DP_QUAKE3_MAP








#define DP_SND_SOUND7_WIP2






#define DP_SPRITE32




#define DP_SV_CLIENTCAMERA   /* Works like svc_setview except also handles pvs. */


#define DP_SV_CLIENTCOLORS   /* Provided only for compatibility with DP. */


#define DP_SV_CLIENTNAME   /* Provided only for compatibility with DP. */


#define DP_SV_CUSTOMIZEENTITYFORCLIENT   /* Deprecated feature for compat with DP. Can be slow, incompatible with splitscreen, usually malfunctions with mvds. */




#define DP_SV_DROPCLIENT   /* Equivelent to quakeworld's stuffcmd(self,"disconnect\n"); hack */


#define DP_SV_EFFECT






#define DP_SV_PLAYERPHYSICS   /* Allows reworking parts of NQ player physics. USE AT OWN RISK - this necessitates NQ physics and is thus guarenteed to break prediction. */




#define DP_SV_PRECACHEANYTIME   /* Specifies that the various precache builtins can be called at any time. WARNING: precaches are sent reliably while sound events, modelindexes, and particle events are not. This can mean sounds and particles might not work the first time around, or models may take a while to appear (after the reliables are received and the model is loaded from disk). Always attempt to precache a little in advance in order to reduce these issues (preferably at the start of the map...) */


#define DP_SV_PRINT   /* Says that the print builtin can be used from nqssqc (as well as just csqc), bypassing the developer cvar issues. */


#define DP_SV_ROTATINGBMODEL   /* Engines that support this support avelocity on MOVETYPE_PUSH entities, pushing entities out of the way as needed. */












#define DP_TE_BLOOD














#define DP_TE_SPARK








#define EXT_CSQC









◆ filestream

#define filestream   float


#define FRIK_FILE


#define FTE_CALLTIMEOFDAY   /* Replication of mvdsv functionality (call calltimeofday to cause 'timeofday' to be called, with arguments that can be saved off to a global). Generally strftime is simpler to use. */


#define FTE_CSQC_ALTCONSOLES   /* The engine tracks multiple consoles. These may or may not be directly visible to the user. */


#define FTE_CSQC_BASEFRAME   /* Specifies that .basebone, .baseframe2, .baselerpfrac, baseframe1time, etc exist in csqc. These fields affect all bones in the entity's model with a lower index than the .basebone field, allowing you to give separate control to the legs of a skeletal model, without affecting the torso animations. */




#define FTE_CSQC_RAWIMAGES   /* Provides raw rgba image access to csqc. With this, the csprogs can read textures into qc-accessible memory, modify it, and then upload it to the renderer. */


#define FTE_CSQC_RENDERTARGETS   /* VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR exists and can be used to redirect any rendering to a texture instead of the screen. */


#define FTE_CSQC_REVERB   /* Specifies that the mod can create custom reverb effects. Whether they will actually be used or not depends upon the sound driver. */


#define FTE_CSQC_SERVERBROWSER   /* Provides builtins to query the engine's serverbrowser servers list from ssqc. Note that these builtins are always available in menuqc. */


#define FTE_CSQC_SKELETONOBJECTS   /* Provides container objects for skeletal bone data, which can be modified on a per bone basis if needed. This allows you to dynamically generate animations (or just blend them with greater customisation) instead of being limited to a single animation or two. */


#define FTE_CSQC_WINDOWCAPTION   /* Provides csqc with the ability to change the window caption as displayed when running windowed or in the task bar when switched out. */


#define FTE_ENT_SKIN_CONTENTS   /* = CONTENTS_WATER; makes a brush entity into water. use -16 for a ladder. */






#define FTE_FORCEINFOKEY   /* Provides an easy way to change a user's userinfo from the server. */


#define FTE_FORCESHADER   /* Allows csqc to override shaders on models with an explicitly named replacement. Also allows you to define shaders with a fallback if it does not exist on disk. */


#define FTE_GFX_IQM_HITMESH   /* Supports hitmesh iqm extensions. Also supports geomsets and embedded events. */


#define FTE_GFX_MODELEVENTS   /* Provides a query for per-animation events in model files, including from progs/ files. */


#define FTE_GFX_QUAKE3SHADERS   /* specifies that the engine has full support for vanilla quake3 shaders */


#define FTE_GFX_REMAPSHADER   /* With the raw power of stuffcmds, the r_remapshader console command is exposed! This mystical command can be used to remap any shader to another. Remapped shaders that specify $diffuse etc in some form will inherit the textures implied by the surface. */


#define FTE_HEXEN2


#define FTE_INFOBLOBS   /* Removes the length limits on user/server/local info strings, and allows embedded nulls and other otherwise-reserved characters. This can be used to network avatar images and the like, or other binary data. */


#define FTE_ISBACKBUFFERED   /* Allows you to check if a client has too many reliable messages pending. */


#define FTE_MEDIA_CIN   /* playfilm command supports q2 cin files. */


#define FTE_MEDIA_ROQ   /* playfilm command supports q3 roq files. */


#define FTE_MEMALLOC   /* Allows dynamically allocating memory. Use pointers to access this memory. Memory will not be saved into saved games. */


#define FTE_MULTIPROGS   /* Multiple progs.dat files can be loaded inside the same qcvm. Insert new ones with addprogs inside the 'init' function, and use externvalue+externset to rewrite globals (and hook functions) to link them together. Note that the result is generally not very clean unless you carefully design for it beforehand. */


#define FTE_MULTITHREADED   /* Faux multithreading, allowing multiple contexts to run in sequence. */


#define FTE_MVD_PLAYERSTATS   /* In csqc, getplayerstat can be used to query any player's stats when playing back MVDs. isdemo will return 2 in this case. */


#define FTE_PART_NAMESPACE_EFFECTINFO   /* Specifies that can load effects from effectinfo.txt for DP compatibility. */


#define FTE_PART_NAMESPACES   /* Specifies that the engine can use to load effect foo from particle description bar. When used via ssqc, this should cause the client to download whatever effects as needed. */


#define FTE_PART_SCRIPT   /* Specifies that the r_particledesc cvar can be used to select a list of particle effects to load from particles/foo.cfg, the format of which is documented elsewhere. */


#define FTE_PEXT_256PACKETENTITIES   /* Specifies that the client is not limited to vanilla's limit of only 64 ents visible at once. */










#define FTE_PEXT_Q2BSP   /* Specifies that the client supports q2bsps. */


#define FTE_PEXT_Q3BSP   /* Specifies that the client supports q3bsps. */


#define FTE_PEXT_SETVIEW   /* NQ's svc_setview works correctly even in quakeworld */






#define FTE_PEXT_VIEW2


#define FTE_QC_BASEFRAME   /* Specifies that .basebone and .baseframe exist in ssqc. These fields affect all bones in the entity's model with a lower index than the .basebone field, allowing you to give separate control to the legs of a skeletal model, without affecting the torso animations, from ssqc. */


#define FTE_QC_CHANGELEVEL_HUB   /* Adds an extra argument to changelevel which is carried over to the next map in the 'spawnspot' global. Maps will be saved+reloaded until the extra argument is omitted again, purging all saved maps. Saved games will contain a copy of each preserved map. parm1-parm64 globals can be used, giving more space to transfer more player data. */


#define FTE_QC_CHECKCOMMAND   /* Provides a way to test if a console command exists, and whether its a command/alias/cvar. Does not say anything about the expected meanings of any arguments or values. */






#define FTE_QC_CUSTOMSKINS   /* The engine supports the use of q3 skins, as well as the use of such skin 'files' to specify rich top+bottom colours, qw skins, geomsets, or texture composition even on non-players.. */


#define FTE_QC_DIGEST_SHA1   /* The digest_hex builtin supports 160-bit sha1 hashes. */


#define FTE_QC_DIGEST_SHA224   /* The digest_hex builtin supports 224-bit sha2 hashes. */


#define FTE_QC_DIGEST_SHA384   /* The digest_hex builtin supports 384-bit sha2 hashes. */


#define FTE_QC_DIGEST_SHA512   /* The digest_hex builtin supports 512-bit sha2 hashes. */


#define FTE_QC_FILE_BINARY   /* Extends FRIK_FILE with binary read+write, as well as allowing seeking. Requires pointers. */




#define FTE_QC_HARDWARECURSORS   /* setcursormode exists in both csqc+menuqc, and accepts additional arguments to specify a cursor image to use when this module has focus. If the image exceeds hardware limits (or hardware cursors are unsupported), it will be emulated using regular draws - this at least still avoids conflicting cursors as only one will ever be used, even if console+menu+csqc are all overlayed. */


#define FTE_QC_HASHTABLES   /* Provides efficient string-based lookups. */


#define FTE_QC_INFOKEY   /* QuakeWorld's infokey builtin works, and reports at least name+topcolor+bottomcolor+ping(in ms)+ip(unmasked, but not always ipv4)+team(aka bottomcolor in nq). Does not require actual localinfo/serverinfo/userinfo, but they're _highly_ recommended to any engines with csqc */


#define FTE_QC_INTCONV   /* Provides string<>int conversions, including hex representations. */




#define FTE_QC_MULTICAST   /* QuakeWorld's multicast builtin works along with MSG_MULTICAST, but also with unicast support. */




#define FTE_QC_PERSISTENTTEMPSTRINGS   /* Supersedes DP_QC_MULTIPLETEMPSTRINGS. Temp strings are garbage collected automatically, and do not expire while they're still in use. This makes strzone redundant. */




#define FTE_QC_SENDPACKET   /* Allows the use of out-of-band udp packets to/from other hosts. Includes the SV_ParseConnectionlessPacket event. */


#define FTE_QC_STUFFCMDFLAGS   /* Variation on regular stuffcmd that gives control over how spectators/mvds should be treated. */




#define FTE_QUAKE2_CLIENT   /* This engine is able to act as a quake2 client */


#define FTE_QUAKE2_SERVER   /* This engine is able to act as a quake2 server */


#define FTE_QUAKE3_CLIENT   /* This engine is able to act as a quake3 client */


#define FTE_QUAKE3_SERVER   /* This engine is able to act as a quake3 server */


#define FTE_RAW_MAP   /* This engine supports directly loading .map files, as well as realtime editing of the various brushes. */


#define FTE_SOLID_BSPTRIGGER   /* Allows for mappers to use shaped triggers instead of being limited to axially aligned triggers. */


#define FTE_SOLID_LADDER   /* Allows a simple trigger to remove effects of gravity (solid 20). obsolete. will prolly be removed at some point as it is not networked properly. Use FTE_ENT_SKIN_CONTENTS */


#define FTE_SPLITSCREEN   /* Client supports splitscreen, controlled via cl_splitscreen. Servers require allow_splitscreen 1 if splitscreen is to be used over the internet. Mods that use csqc will need to be aware for this to work properly. per-client networking may be problematic. */


#define FTE_SQL   /* Provides sql* builtins which can be used for sql database access */


#define FTE_SQL_SQLITE   /* SQL functionality is able to utilise sqlite databases */


#define FTE_STRINGS   /* Extra builtins (and additional behaviour) to make string manipulation easier */


#define FTE_SV_POINTPARTICLES   /* Specifies that particleeffectnum, pointparticles, and trailparticles exist in ssqc as well as csqc. particleeffectnum acts as a precache, allowing ssqc values to be networked up with csqc for use. Use in combination with FTE_PART_SCRIPT+FTE_PART_NAMESPACES to use custom effects. This extension is functionally identical to the DP version, but avoids any misplaced assumptions about the format of the client's particle descriptions. */




#define FTE_TE_STANDARDEFFECTBUILTINS   /* Provides builtins to replace writebytes, with a QW compatible twist. */


#define FTE_TERRAIN_MAP   /* This engine supports .hmp files, as well as terrain embedded within bsp files. */


#define FTE_VRINPUTS   /* input_weapon, input_left_*, input_right_*, input_head_* work, both in csqc (as inputs with suitable plugin/hardware support) and ssqc (available in PlayerPreThink). */


#define FTEDEP (   reason)

◆ ftell

#define ftell   fseek

◆ getviewprop

#define getviewprop   getproperty

◆ hashtable

#define hashtable   float

◆ infostring

#define infostring   string


#define KRIMZON_SV_PARSECLIENTCOMMAND   /* SSQC's SV_ParseClientCommand function is able to handle client 'cmd' commands. The tokenizing parts also work in csqc. */


#define NEH_CMD_PLAY2






#define QW_ENGINE


#define QWE_MVD_RECORD   /* You can use the easyrecord command to record MVD demos serverside. */

◆ searchhandle

#define searchhandle   float

◆ setviewprop

#define setviewprop   setproperty

◆ strbuf

#define strbuf   float

◆ strcmp

#define strcmp   strncmp


#define TEI_MD3_MODEL


#define TEI_SHOWLMP2


#define TENEBRAE_GFX_DLIGHTS   /* Allows ssqc to attach rtlights to entities with various special properties. */

◆ uri_post

#define uri_post   uri_get


#define ZQ_MOVETYPE_FLY   /* MOVETYPE_FLY works on players. */


#define ZQ_MOVETYPE_NOCLIP   /* MOVETYPE_NOCLIP works on players. */


#define ZQ_MOVETYPE_NONE   /* MOVETYPE_NONE works on players. */


#define ZQ_QC_STRINGS   /* The strings-only subset of FRIK_FILE is supported. */


#define ZQ_VWEP

Typedef Documentation

◆ field_t

typedef __variant field_t

◆ json_t

typedef struct json_s* json_t

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ bool

enum bool

◆ json_type_e

enum json_type_e : int

Function Documentation

◆ __deprecated() [1/2]

__deprecated ( "Use digest_hex"  )

◆ __deprecated() [2/2]

__deprecated ( "Use Menu_InputEvent"  )

◆ __variant() [1/4]

__variant ( __variant *  dst,
float  ofs 

◆ __variant() [2/4]

__variant ( float  property)

◆ __variant() [3/4]

__variant ( float  table,
string  name 

◆ __variant() [4/4]

__variant ( float  table,
string  name,
optional __variant  deflt,
optional float  requiretype,
optional float  index 

◆ entity() [1/9]

entity ( )

◆ entity() [2/9]

entity ( .__variant  field,
__variant  match 

◆ entity() [3/9]

entity ( .float  field,
float  match 

◆ entity() [4/9]

entity ( .string  field,
string  match 

◆ entity() [5/9]

entity ( entity  start,
.__variant  field,
__variant  match 

◆ entity() [6/9]

entity ( entity  start,
.float  field,
float  match 

◆ entity() [7/9]

entity ( entity  start,
.string  field,
string  match 

◆ entity() [8/9]

entity ( entity  )

◆ entity() [9/9]

entity ( float  )

◆ field_t()

field_t ( float  fieldnum)

◆ float() [1/41]

float ( ) = #60

◆ float() [2/41]

float ( __variant  funcref)

◆ float() [3/41]

float ( entity  e,
float  nowreadonly 

◆ float() [4/41]

float ( entity  e,
string  s,
optional float  offset 

◆ float() [5/41]

float ( entity  ) = #353

◆ float() [6/41]

float ( float  bufhandle,
string  match,
float  matchrule,
float  startpos,
float  step 

◆ float() [7/41]

float ( float  bufhandle,
string  str,
float  ordered 

◆ float() [8/41]

float ( float  evtype,
float  scanx,
float  chary,
float  devid 

◆ float() [9/41]

float ( float  fieldnum,
entity  ent,
string  s 

◆ float() [10/41]

float ( float  filehandle,
float  bufhandle,
optional float  startpos,
optional float  numstrings 

◆ float() [11/41]

float ( float  idx) = #18

◆ float() [12/41]

float ( float  key,
string  bind,
optional float  bindmap,
optional float  modifier 

◆ float() [13/41]

float ( float  min,
float  value,
float  max 

◆ float() [14/41]

float ( float  v,
optional float  base 
) = #287

◆ float() [15/41]

float ( float  ,

◆ float() [16/41]

float ( float  ,
) = #44

◆ float() [17/41]

float ( int  ,
optional float  shift,
float  mask = 24 

◆ float() [18/41]

float ( jsonnode  node)

◆ float() [19/41]

float ( optional float  timetype)

◆ float() [20/41]

float ( string  cmd) = #1

◆ float() [21/41]

float ( string  conname,
float  inevtype,
float  parama,
float  paramb,
float  paramc 

◆ float() [22/41]

float ( string  filename,
float  mode 
) = #222

◆ float() [23/41]

float ( string  fontname,
string  fontmaps,
string  sizes,
float  slot,
optional float  fix_scale,
optional float  fix_voffset 

◆ float() [24/41]

float ( string  name,
float  key,
float  eventtype,
optional float  charcode 

◆ float() [25/41]

float ( string  name,
optional string  initialURI 

◆ float() [26/41]

float ( string  name,
string  value,
float  flags 

◆ float() [27/41]

float ( string  pattern,
float  quiet,
optional string  package 

◆ float() [28/41]

float ( string  s,
string  separator1,

◆ float() [29/41]

float ( string  s1,
string  s2 
) = #242

◆ float() [30/41]

float ( string  s1,
string  s2,
float  len,
optional float  s1ofs,
optional float  s2ofs 

◆ float() [31/41]

float ( string  s1,
string  s2,
optional float  len,
optional float  s1ofs,
optional float  s2ofs 

◆ float() [32/41]

float ( string  s1,
string  sub,
optional float  startidx 

◆ float() [33/41]

float ( string  shadername,
optional string  defaultshader,

◆ float() [34/41]

float ( string  text,
float  usecolours,
vector  fontsize = '8 8' 

◆ float() [35/41]

float ( string  uril,
float  id,
optional string  postmimetype,
optional string  postdata 

◆ float() [36/41]

float ( vector  pos,
vector  size,
float  alignflags,
string  text 

◆ float() [37/41]

float ( vector  position,
float  character,
vector  scale,
vector  rgb,
float  alpha,
optional float  flag 

◆ float() [38/41]

float ( vector  position,
string  text,
vector  scale,
vector  rgb,
float  alpha,
float  flag 

◆ float() [39/41]

float ( vector  position,
string  text,
vector  scale,
vector  rgb,
float  alpha,
optional float  flag 
) = #456

◆ float() [40/41]

float ( vector  position,
vector  size,
vector  rgb,
float  alpha,
optional float  flag 

◆ float() [41/41]

float ( vector  ) = #10

◆ int() [1/5]

int ( float  fhandle,
optional int  newoffset 
) = #0:fsize

◆ int() [2/5]

int ( float  fhandle,
void ptr,
int  size 
) = #0:fwrite

◆ int() [3/5]

int ( float  seat,
string  keyname,
void outptr,
int  maxsize 

◆ int() [4/5]

int ( float  )

◆ int() [5/5]

int ( jsonnode  node) = #0:json_get_length

◆ json_type_e()

json_type_e ( jsonnode  node)

◆ jsonnode() [1/3]

jsonnode ( jsonnode  node,
int  childindex 

◆ jsonnode() [2/3]

jsonnode ( jsonnode  node,

◆ jsonnode() [3/3]

jsonnode ( string  )

◆ string() [1/26]

string ( )

◆ string() [2/26]

string ( entity  ) = #0:generateentitydata

◆ string() [3/26]

string ( float  ccase,
float  redalpha,
float  redchars,
string  str,

◆ string() [4/26]

string ( float  chr,

◆ string() [5/26]

string ( float  fieldnum,
entity  ent 

◆ string() [6/26]

string ( float  handle,
float  num 

◆ string() [7/26]

string ( float  pad,
string  str1,
) = #478

◆ string() [8/26]

string ( float  seat,
string  keyname 
) = #445

◆ string() [9/26]

string ( float  ) = #50

◆ string() [10/26]

string ( int  n,
int  prop 

◆ string() [11/26]

string ( jsonnode  node) = #0:json_get_name

◆ string() [12/26]

string ( string  conname,
string  field,
optional string  newvalue 

◆ string() [13/26]

string ( string  digest,
string  data,

◆ string() [14/26]

string ( string  digest,
void data,
int  length 

◆ string() [15/26]

string ( string  file) = #29

◆ string() [16/26]

string ( string  filename,
optional enumflags:float{WP_REFERENCEPACKAGE, WP_FULLPACKAGEPATH}  flags 

◆ string() [17/26]

string ( string  fmt,

◆ string() [18/26]

string ( string  info,
string  key 
) = #0:gecko_getproperty

◆ string() [19/26]

string ( string  name,
optional float  flags 
) = #0:findkeysforcommandex

◆ string() [20/26]

string ( string  old,
string  key,
string  value 
) = #484

◆ string() [21/26]

string ( string  s,
float  start,
float  length 

◆ string() [22/26]

__deprecated string ( string  str,
float  num 

◆ string() [23/26]

__deprecated string ( string  str,
float  num,
string  setval 

◆ string() [24/26]

string ( string  uri,
string  method,
string  postdata,
__in string  requestheaders,
__inout string  responseheaders 

◆ string() [25/26]

string ( string  ,
optional  string,
optional  string,
optional  string,
optional  string,
optional  string,
optional  string,
optional  string 

◆ string() [26/26]

string ( vector  )

◆ vector() [1/5]

vector ( ) = #66

◆ vector() [2/5]

vector ( float  vidmode,
optional float  forfullscreen 

◆ vector() [3/5]

vector ( string  ) = #460

◆ vector() [4/5]

vector ( vector  v1,
vector  v2 

◆ vector() [5/5]

vector ( vector  ) = #11

◆ void() [1/47]

void ( )

◆ void() [2/47]

void (   ...)

◆ void() [3/47]

void ( __variant dst,
__variant src,
int  size 

◆ void() [4/47]

void ( __variant dst,
float  ofs,
__variant  val 

◆ void() [5/47]

void ( __variant dst,
int  val,
int  size 

◆ void() [6/47]

void ( __variant ptr)

◆ void() [7/47]

void ( entity  e,
string  skinfilename,
optional string  skindata 

◆ void() [8/47]

void ( entity  ent,
string  mname 

◆ void() [9/47]

void ( entity  ent,
vector  lightdir,
vector  lightavg,
vector  lightrange,
int  reserved1 = 0,
void *  reserved2 = 0 

◆ void() [10/47]

void ( entity  ent,
vector  neworg 

◆ void() [11/47]

void ( entity  src,
entity  dst 

◆ void() [12/47]

void ( entity  ) = #33

◆ void() [13/47]

void ( float  bufhandle,
float  sortprefixlen,
float  backward 

◆ void() [14/47]

void ( float  bufhandle,
float  string_index,
string  str 

◆ void() [15/47]

void ( float  bufhandle_from,
float  bufhandle_to 
) = #449

◆ void() [16/47]

__deprecated void ( float  clientnum,
string  text,

◆ void() [17/47]

void ( float  fh,
entity  e 

◆ void() [18/47]

void ( float  fhandle,
string  s 

◆ void() [19/47]

void ( float float  ,
string  pattern,
string  antipattern 

◆ void() [20/47]

void ( float  mask,
float  fld,
string  str,
float  op 

◆ void() [21/47]

void ( float  reqid,
float  responsecode,
string  resourcebody,
int  resourcebytes 

◆ void() [22/47]

void ( float  seat,
string  keyname,
string  newvalue 

◆ void() [23/47]

void ( float  seat,
string  keyname,
void *  outptr,
int  size 

◆ void() [24/47]

void ( float  table,
string  name,
__variant  value,
optional float  typeandflags 

◆ void() [25/47]

void ( float  usecursor,
optional string  cursorimage,
optional vector  hotspot,
optional float  scale 

◆ void() [26/47]

void ( float  wantmode) = #49

◆ void() [27/47]

void ( float  width,
vector  pos1,
vector  pos2 

◆ void() [28/47]

void ( float  x,
float  y,
float  width,
float  height 
) = #617

◆ void() [29/47]

void ( int  cliptype)

◆ void() [30/47]

void ( int  cliptype,
string  text 

◆ void() [31/47]

void ( jsonnode  )

◆ void() [32/47]

void ( optional __variant  ret)

◆ void() [33/47]

void ( optional float  dopurge)

◆ void() [34/47]

void ( string  cmdtext)

◆ void() [35/47]

void ( string  conname,
string  messagefmt,

◆ void() [36/47]

void ( string  conname,
vector  pos,
vector  size,
float  fontsize 

◆ void() [37/47]

void ( string  err,
) = #3

◆ void() [38/47]

void ( string  imagename,
int  width,
int  height,
void *  pixeldata,
optional int  datasize,
optional int  format 

◆ void() [39/47]

void ( string  name,
float  x,
float  y 
) = #492

◆ void() [40/47]

void ( string  name,
string  value 
) = #489

◆ void() [41/47]

void ( string  sample,
optional float  channel,
optional float  volume 
) = #306

◆ void() [42/47]

void ( vector  org,
vector  texcoords,
vector  rgb,
float  alpha 

◆ void() [43/47]

void ( vector  pivot,
vector  mins,
vector  maxs,
string  pic,
vector  rgb,
float  alpha,
float  angle 

◆ void() [44/47]

void ( vector  pivot,
vector  mins,
vector  maxs,
string  pic,
vector  txmin,
vector  txsize,
vector  rgb,
vector  alphaandangles 

◆ void() [45/47]

void ( vector  pos,
vector  sz,
string  pic,
vector  srcpos,
vector  srcsz,
vector  rgb,
float  alpha,
float  flag 

◆ void() [46/47]

void ( vector  screensize) = #0:setmousepos

◆ void() [47/47]

void ( vector  screensize,
float  opaque 

Variable Documentation

◆ a

get jsonnode a[__int key] = json_get_child_at_index

◆ base

◆ crc16

string crc16 = #494

◆ createbuffer

void* int bytes createbuffer = #0:createbuffer


const float CVAR_TYPEFLAG_ENGINE = 8


const float CVAR_TYPEFLAG_EXISTS = 1








const float CVAR_TYPEFLAG_SAVED = 2


const float DRAWFLAG_2D = 4


const float DRAWFLAG_ADD = 1


const float DRAWFLAG_LINES = 2048


const float DRAWFLAG_MODULATE = 2


const float DRAWFLAG_NORMAL = 0


const float DRAWFLAG_TWOSIDED = 1024

◆ drawfont

float drawfont

◆ drawfontscale

var vector drawfontscale = '1 1 0'

◆ end_sys_fields

void end_sys_fields

◆ end_sys_globals

void end_sys_globals


const float EV_DOUBLE = 12


const float EV_ENTITY = 4


const float EV_FIELD = 5


const float EV_FLOAT = 2


const float EV_FUNCTION = 6

◆ EV_INT64

const float EV_INT64 = 10


const float EV_INTEGER = 8


const float EV_POINTER = 7


const float EV_STRING = 1


const float EV_UINT = 9


const float EV_UINT64 = 11


const float EV_VECTOR = 3

◆ f

get float f = json_get_float


const float FALSE = 0


const float FILE_APPEND = 1


const float FILE_MMAP_READ = 5


const float FILE_MMAP_RW = 6


const float FILE_READ = 0


const float FILE_READNL = 4


const float FILE_WRITE = 2

◆ filename

int* string filename

◆ find_list

entity* __variant __variant int __out int count find_list = #0:find_list

◆ fld


const float FONT_DEFAULT = 0

◆ gamestate

float gamestate


const float GGDI_DESCRIPTION = 1


const float GGDI_GAMEDIR = 0


const float GGDI_GAMEDIRLIST = 5


const float GGDI_ICON = 4


const float GGDI_LOADCOMMAND = 3


const float GGDI_OVERRIDES = 2


const float HASH_ADD = 512


const float HASH_REPLACE = 256

◆ height

int* string __out int __out int height

◆ i

get __int i = json_get_integer


const float IE_ACCELEROMETER = 4


const float IE_FOCUS = 5


const float IE_GYROSCOPE = 7


const float IE_JOYAXIS = 6


const float IE_KEYDOWN = 0


const float IE_KEYUP = 1


const float IE_MOUSEABS = 3


const float IE_MOUSEDELTA = 2

◆ IMGFMT_A2B10G10R10

const float IMGFMT_A2B10G10R10 = 10


const float IMGFMT_D16 = 4


const float IMGFMT_D24 = 5


const float IMGFMT_D32 = 6


const float IMGFMT_R16F = 8

◆ IMGFMT_R16G16B16A16F

const float IMGFMT_R16G16B16A16F = 2


const float IMGFMT_R32F = 9

◆ IMGFMT_R32G32B32A32F

const float IMGFMT_R32G32B32A32F = 3


const float IMGFMT_R32G32B32F = 14


const float IMGFMT_R4G4B4A4 = 12


const float IMGFMT_R5G6B5 = 11


const float IMGFMT_R8 = 7


const float IMGFMT_R8G8 = 13


const float IMGFMT_R8G8B8A8 = 1

◆ jsonnode

get jsonnode = json_find_object_child


const float K_APOSTROPHE = 39


const float K_APP = -276

◆ K_AUX1

const float K_AUX1 = 800

◆ K_AUX10

const float K_AUX10 = 809

◆ K_AUX11

const float K_AUX11 = 810

◆ K_AUX12

const float K_AUX12 = 811

◆ K_AUX13

const float K_AUX13 = 812

◆ K_AUX14

const float K_AUX14 = 813

◆ K_AUX15

const float K_AUX15 = 814

◆ K_AUX16

const float K_AUX16 = 815

◆ K_AUX2

const float K_AUX2 = 801

◆ K_AUX3

const float K_AUX3 = 802

◆ K_AUX4

const float K_AUX4 = 803

◆ K_AUX5

const float K_AUX5 = 804

◆ K_AUX6

const float K_AUX6 = 805

◆ K_AUX7

const float K_AUX7 = 806

◆ K_AUX8

const float K_AUX8 = 807

◆ K_AUX9

const float K_AUX9 = 808


const float K_BACKQUOTE = 96


const float K_BACKSLASH = 92


const float K_BACKSPACE = 127


const float K_CAPSLOCK = 155


const float K_DEL = 148


const float K_DOWNARROW = 129


const float K_END = 152


const float K_ENTER = 13


const float K_ESCAPE = 27

◆ K_F1

const float K_F1 = 135

◆ K_F10

const float K_F10 = 144

◆ K_F11

const float K_F11 = 145

◆ K_F12

const float K_F12 = 146

◆ K_F2

const float K_F2 = 136

◆ K_F3

const float K_F3 = 137

◆ K_F4

const float K_F4 = 138

◆ K_F5

const float K_F5 = 139

◆ K_F6

const float K_F6 = 140

◆ K_F7

const float K_F7 = 141

◆ K_F8

const float K_F8 = 142

◆ K_F9

const float K_F9 = 143

◆ K_GP_A

const float K_GP_A = 826

◆ K_GP_B

const float K_GP_B = 827


const float K_GP_BACK = 821


const float K_GP_DPAD_DOWN = 817


const float K_GP_DPAD_LEFT = 818


const float K_GP_DPAD_RIGHT = 819


const float K_GP_DPAD_UP = 816


const float K_GP_GUIDE = -238


const float K_GP_LSHOULDER = 824


const float K_GP_LTHUMB = 822


const float K_GP_LTHUMB_DOWN = 833


const float K_GP_LTHUMB_LEFT = 834


const float K_GP_LTHUMB_RIGHT = 835


const float K_GP_LTHUMB_UP = 832


const float K_GP_LTRIGGER = 830


const float K_GP_PADDLE1 = -249


const float K_GP_PADDLE2 = -250


const float K_GP_PADDLE3 = -251


const float K_GP_PADDLE4 = -252


const float K_GP_RSHOULDER = 825


const float K_GP_RTHUMB = 823


const float K_GP_RTHUMB_DOWN = 837


const float K_GP_RTHUMB_LEFT = 838


const float K_GP_RTHUMB_RIGHT = 839


const float K_GP_RTHUMB_UP = 836


const float K_GP_RTRIGGER = 831


const float K_GP_SHARE = -248


const float K_GP_START = 820


const float K_GP_TOUCHPAD = -253


const float K_GP_UNKNOWN = -264

◆ K_GP_X

const float K_GP_X = 828

◆ K_GP_Y

const float K_GP_Y = 829


const float K_HOME = 151


const float K_INS = 147

◆ K_JOY1

const float K_JOY1 = 768

◆ K_JOY10

const float K_JOY10 = 777

◆ K_JOY11

const float K_JOY11 = 778

◆ K_JOY12

const float K_JOY12 = 779

◆ K_JOY13

const float K_JOY13 = 780

◆ K_JOY14

const float K_JOY14 = 781

◆ K_JOY15

const float K_JOY15 = 782

◆ K_JOY16

const float K_JOY16 = 783

◆ K_JOY17

const float K_JOY17 = 784

◆ K_JOY18

const float K_JOY18 = 785

◆ K_JOY19

const float K_JOY19 = 786

◆ K_JOY2

const float K_JOY2 = 769

◆ K_JOY20

const float K_JOY20 = 787

◆ K_JOY21

const float K_JOY21 = 788

◆ K_JOY22

const float K_JOY22 = 789

◆ K_JOY23

const float K_JOY23 = 790

◆ K_JOY24

const float K_JOY24 = 791

◆ K_JOY25

const float K_JOY25 = 792

◆ K_JOY26

const float K_JOY26 = 793

◆ K_JOY27

const float K_JOY27 = 794

◆ K_JOY28

const float K_JOY28 = 795

◆ K_JOY29

const float K_JOY29 = 796

◆ K_JOY3

const float K_JOY3 = 770

◆ K_JOY30

const float K_JOY30 = 797

◆ K_JOY31

const float K_JOY31 = 798

◆ K_JOY32

const float K_JOY32 = 799

◆ K_JOY4

const float K_JOY4 = 771

◆ K_JOY5

const float K_JOY5 = 772

◆ K_JOY6

const float K_JOY6 = 773

◆ K_JOY7

const float K_JOY7 = 774

◆ K_JOY8

const float K_JOY8 = 775

◆ K_JOY9

const float K_JOY9 = 776

◆ K_KP_5

const float K_KP_5 = 162


const float K_KP_DEL = 167


const float K_KP_DOWNARROW = 159


const float K_KP_END = 158


const float K_KP_ENTER = 172


const float K_KP_EQUALS = 173


const float K_KP_HOME = 164


const float K_KP_INS = 157


const float K_KP_LEFTARROW = 161


const float K_KP_MINUS = 170


const float K_KP_NUMLOCK = 154


const float K_KP_PGDN = 160


const float K_KP_PGUP = 166


const float K_KP_PLUS = 171


const float K_KP_RIGHTARROW = 163


const float K_KP_SLASH = 168


const float K_KP_STAR = 169


const float K_KP_UPARROW = 165


const float K_LALT = 132


const float K_LCTRL = 133


const float K_LEFTARROW = 130


const float K_LSHIFT = 134


const float K_LWIN = -274


const float K_MINUS = 45


const float K_MOUSE1 = 512


const float K_MOUSE10 = 523


const float K_MOUSE2 = 513


const float K_MOUSE3 = 514


const float K_MOUSE4 = 517


const float K_MOUSE5 = 518


const float K_MOUSE6 = 519


const float K_MOUSE7 = 520


const float K_MOUSE8 = 521


const float K_MOUSE9 = 522


const float K_MWHEELDOWN = 516


const float K_MWHEELUP = 515


const float K_PAUSE = 153


const float K_PGDN = 149


const float K_PGUP = 150


const float K_PLUS = 43


const float K_POWER = -130


const float K_PRINTSCREEN = 174


const float K_QUOTES = 34


const float K_RALT = -280


const float K_RCTRL = -281


const float K_RIGHTARROW = 131


const float K_RSHIFT = -282


const float K_RWIN = -275


const float K_SCROLLLOCK = 156


const float K_SEARCH = -277


const float K_SEMICOLON = 59


const float K_SPACE = 32


const float K_TAB = 9


const float K_TILDE = 126


const float K_UPARROW = 128


const float K_VOLDOWN = -279


const float K_VOLUP = -278

◆ length

get __int length = json_get_length

◆ m_keydown

float chr m_keydown

◆ m_keyup

float chr m_keyup

◆ M_PI

const float M_PI = 3.14159

◆ match

◆ memalloc

__variant* int size memalloc = #384

◆ memptradd

__variant* __variant float ofs memptradd = #390

◆ name

get string name = json_get_name


const float PRECACHE_PIC_DOWNLOAD = 256


const float PRECACHE_PIC_FROMWAD = 1


const float PRECACHE_PIC_NOCLAMP = 4


const float PRECACHE_PIC_TEST = 512

◆ r_readimage

int* string __out int __out int __out int format r_readimage = #0:r_readimage


const float RESSTATE_FAILED = 3


const float RESSTATE_LOADED = 4


const float RESSTATE_LOADING = 2


const float RESSTATE_NOTKNOWN = 0


const float RESSTATE_NOTLOADED = 1


const float RESTYPE_MODEL = 0


const float RESTYPE_PARTICLE = 2


const float RESTYPE_PIC = 3


const float RESTYPE_SKIN = 4


const float RESTYPE_SOUND = 1


const float RESTYPE_TEXTURE = 5


const float RF_ADDITIVE = 8


const float RF_DEPTHHACK = 4

◆ s

get string s = json_get_string

◆ self

entity self
















const float SLIST_SORTFIELD = 6


const float SLIST_TEST_CONTAINS = 0


const float SLIST_TEST_EQUAL = 4


const float SLIST_TEST_GREATER = 5




const float SLIST_TEST_LESS = 3


const float SLIST_TEST_LESSEQUAL = 2




const float SLIST_TEST_NOTEQUAL = 7





◆ time

float time


const float TRUE = 1

◆ type


const float VF_AFOV = 203


const float VF_ANGLES = 15


const float VF_ANGLES_X = 16


const float VF_ANGLES_Y = 17


const float VF_ANGLES_Z = 18


const float VF_ENVMAP = 220


const float VF_FOV = 8


const float VF_FOV_X = 9


const float VF_FOV_Y = 10


const float VF_MAXDIST = 24


const float VF_MIN = 1


const float VF_MIN_X = 2


const float VF_MIN_Y = 3


const float VF_MINDIST = 23


const float VF_ORIGIN = 11


const float VF_ORIGIN_X = 12


const float VF_ORIGIN_Y = 13


const float VF_ORIGIN_Z = 14


const float VF_PERSPECTIVE = 200


const float VF_PROJECTIONOFFSET = 224


const float VF_RT_DEPTH = 210


const float VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR = 212


const float VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR1 = 213


const float VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR2 = 214


const float VF_RT_DESTCOLOUR3 = 215


const float VF_RT_RIPPLE = 211


const float VF_RT_SOURCECOLOUR = 209


const float VF_SCREENPSIZE = 205


const float VF_SCREENVSIZE = 204


const float VF_SIZE = 4


const float VF_SIZE_X = 5


const float VF_SIZE_Y = 6


const float VF_USERDATA = 221


const float VF_VIEWPORT = 7

◆ width

int* string __out int width