Software Development Kit for id Tech
sound.h File Reference

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struct  snd_t
 A soundDef aka 'sound shader' type. More...
struct  sound_t
 A sound sample of a sentences.txt word sequence. More...


#define SndLog(...)   if (autocvar_s_logLevel >= LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) _SndLog(__FUNC__, sprintf(__VA_ARGS__))
 Logs an sound system specific log message. More...
#define SndEntLog(...)   if (autocvar_s_logLevel >= LOGLEVEL_DEBUG) _SndEntLog(classname, __FUNC__, num_for_edict(this), sprintf(__VA_ARGS__))
 Logs an sound specific entity class log message. More...


void _SndLog (string functionName, string msg)
void _SndEntLog (string className, string functionName, float edictNum, string warnMessage)
void Sound_Init (void)
 Called by the client inside CSQC_Init(), and on the server inside init(). More...
void Sound_Shutdown (void)
 Called by CSQC_Shutdown() and in theory, somewhere on the server. More...
int Sound_Precache (string sndDef)
 Force the precache of a soundDef file. More...
void Sound_Play (entity targetEntity, int sndChannel, string sndDef)
 Play a soundDef on a given target entity. More...
void Sound_PlayAt (vector worldPos, string sndDef)
 Play a soundDef a a given location. More...
void Sound_PlayLocal (string shader)
 Client-side only: Play a sound locally, outside the game world. More...
void Sound_Update (entity targetEntity, int sndChannel, int sndSample, float desiredVolume)
 Client-side only: Update the sound parameters on a given entity. More...
int Sound_GetID (string sndDef)
void Sound_Stop (entity target, float chan)
 Stops sounds on a given channel, on a target entity. More...
void Sound_DebugList ()
 Called by listSoundDef. More...


float maxspeed
float flags
var logLevel_t autocvar_s_logLevel = LOGLEVEL_DEFAULT
var hashtable g_hashsounds
 Global hash table for name > soundDef id lookup. More...
typedef enumflags
 Enumeration of valid sound flags. More...
 Pointer to the global soundDef table. More...
int g_sounds_count
 Total amount of registered soundDef entries. More...