Throughout this documentation, you will come across a variety of topics represented by icons.
Console, often seen when the topic of command execution pops up.
Object. Like an instance of an ncEntity.
Debugging help/options, or bug related comments.
AI opponents, including bots.
Controller input, usually handled by SDL
Demo recording. A universal replay file.
Textures, usually inputs to Materials
Keyboard input.
Lighting. From static lightmaps controlled by the light entity to light_dynamic to point_spotlight.
Map, the name given to our levels in which gameplay occurs.
Display, representing the whole physical size of the game window.
Mouse, usually seen when referring to actions to be done with a pointing device akin to a mouse, or trackball.
Music, all about the subsystem handling looped music and stingers.
Package, managed by the built-in update manager.
Progs, games are made up of a collection of them.
Dedicated server, game server.
Sound samples, inputs to SoundDef.
Dictionaries containing key/value pairs. Like Declaration Files for Entity Definitions and SoundDefs.
Editing plain text files.
Timers, used to schedule events in advance.
AddonC is our server plugin system.
HudC powers our hot-pluggable Heads-Up-Display in our client-game.
MapC handles maps-specific tasks and logic.
RuleC is responsible for global set of game-rules.