Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- o -
- Obituary() : combatAPI_t
- offset : snd_t
- OnInventoryUse() : NSItem
- OnMouseDown() : VGUIControl
- OnMouseEntered() : VGUIControl
- OnMouseExited() : VGUIControl
- OnMouseUp() : VGUIControl
- OnPickup() : NSItem
- OnPlayerUnUse() : momentary_rot_button
- OnPlayerUse() : func_healthcharger, func_pushable, func_recharge, func_rot_button, func_tracktrain, item_eyescanner, item_healthcharger, item_recharge, momentary_rot_button, NSCharger, NSTalkMonster, prop_physics
- OnRemoveEntity() : ambient_generic, cycler_wreckage, env_cascade_light, env_shake, func_pushable, light_dynamic, NSClient, NSClientPlayer, NSIO, NSPhysicsConstraint, NSRagdoll, NSSound, NSTimer, prop_vehicle_driveable
- OnUse() : NSItem
- Opened() : prop_door_rotating
- OpenTeamCount() : teamAPI_t
- OptimiseChangedFlags() : NSClientPlayer