Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- i -
- Idle() : NSWeapon
- IdleNoise() : NSMonster
- idx : hlmaterials_lut
- iFlags : font_s
- Ignite() : NSSurfacePropEntity
- IgnoresPitch() : func_tracktrain
- iID : font_s
- ImpulseCommand() : NSGameRules
- InAnimation() : NSMonster
- index : propdata_solids_t
- inertia : propdata_solids_t, propdata_t
- info_hint() : info_hint
- info_intermission() : info_intermission
- info_node() : info_node
- info_node_air() : info_node_air
- info_notnull() : info_notnull
- info_null() : info_null
- info_particle_system() : info_particle_system
- info_type : gameEntry_t
- info_waypoint() : info_waypoint
- infodecal() : infodecal
- inheritID : entityDef_t
- inheritKeys : entityDef_t
- InIntermission() : NSGameRules
- InInventory() : NSItem
- Init() : NSOutput
- InitBrushTrigger() : NSBrushTrigger
- InitEmpty() : NSRadar
- InitForCurrentMap() : NSRadar
- InitFromHLTVScript() : NSRadar
- InitFromProgs() : NSGameRules
- InitFromSourceHLTVScript() : NSRadar
- InitIdle() : scripted_sequence
- InitPointTrigger() : NSPointTrigger
- InitPostEnts() : NSGameRules
- InitWireframe() : NSRadar
- InitWithMapname() : NSRadar
- InitWithSpawnData() : NSDict
- InMap() : existsAPI_t
- Input() : ambient_generic, entsAPI_t, env_beam, env_bubbles, env_cascade_light, env_explosion, env_fade, env_fog_controller, env_funnel, env_instructor_hint, env_muzzleflash, env_physexplosion, env_shake, env_shooter, env_smoker, env_spark, env_sprite, func_areaportal, func_conveyor, func_door, func_door_rotating, func_guntarget, func_plat, func_tracktrain, func_wall_toggle, game_team_master, game_text, info_waypoint, light, logic_achievement, logic_case, logic_relay, logic_timer, NSActor, NSClientPlayer, NSEntity, NSGameRules, NSInteractiveSurface, NSIO, NSItem, NSMonster, NSPhysicsConstraint, NSRenderableEntity, NSSoundScape, NSSurfacePropEntity, NSTrigger, path_track, phys_convert, phys_hinge, phys_keepupright, phys_slideconstraint, point_camera, point_servercommand, point_trigger, prop_portal, scripted_sentence, trigger_changelevel, trigger_hurt, trigger_multiple, trigger_once, VGUI3DView, VGUIButton, VGUICheckbox, VGUICommandButton, VGUIConsole, VGUILabel, VGUIList, VGUIListBox, VGUIMenuButton, VGUIMenuTitle, VGUIPic, VGUIRect, VGUISlider, VGUITabView, VGUITabViewItem, VGUITextBox, VGUITextView, VGUIView, VGUIWidget, VGUIWindow
- InputFrame() : NSWeapon, NSXRInput
- InputMode() : NSClientSpectator
- InputNext() : NSClientSpectator
- InputPrevious() : NSClientSpectator
- InputUse_Down() : NSClientPlayer
- InputUse_Up() : NSClientPlayer
- InPVS() : existsAPI_t
- InSequence() : NSMonster
- InSquad() : NSSquadMonster
- installed : gameEntry_t, updaterPackage_t
- Interact() : prop_door_rotating
- IntermissionCycle() : NSGameRules
- IntermissionEnd() : NSGameRules
- IntermissionStart() : NSGameRules
- IntermissionToPlayer() : NSGameRules
- IntersectsWith() : NSEntity
- introvideo : gameEntry_t
- InventoryType() : weaponInfo_t
- InVFS() : existsAPI_t
- isAI() : entsAPI_t
- isAlive() : entsAPI_t
- IsAlive() : NSMonster, NSSurfacePropEntity
- IsAsleep() : NSPhysicsEntity
- IsAvailable() : NSXRInput
- isBot() : entsAPI_t
- IsBrush() : NSEntity
- iScaleX : font_s
- iScaleY : font_s
- IsClipOnly() : weaponInfo_t
- IsCollisionEnabled() : NSPhysicsEntity
- IsCrouched() : playerAPI_t
- IsCrouching() : NSActor
- IsDead() : NSClient, NSClientPlayer, NSClientSpectator
- IsDetonationTimed() : weaponInfo_t
- IsDragEnabled() : NSPhysicsEntity
- IsEmpty() : NSWeapon
- IsFacing() : NSEntity
- IsFacingPosition() : NSEntity
- IsFakeSpectator() : NSClient, NSClientPlayer, NSClientSpectator
- IsFriend() : NSMonster
- isGodMode() : entsAPI_t
- IsGravityEnabled() : NSPhysicsEntity
- IsHidden() : NSEntity
- IsInside() : trigger_changelevel
- IsLeaning() : NSActor, playerAPI_t
- IsLocalDriver() : NSVehicle
- IsMotionEnabled() : NSPhysicsEntity
- IsMoveable() : NSPhysicsEntity
- IsMoving() : NSMoverEntity
- IsMultiplayer() : NSGameRules
- IsOnFire() : NSSurfacePropEntity
- IsOnGround() : NSEntity
- IsOnRoute() : NSMonster
- IsPenetrating() : NSPhysicsEntity
- isPlayer() : entsAPI_t
- IsPlayer() : NSClient, NSClientPlayer, NSClientSpectator
- IsProne() : NSActor, playerAPI_t
- IsRealSpectator() : NSClient, NSClientPlayer, NSClientSpectator
- IsSemiAuto() : weaponInfo_t
- isSentient() : entsAPI_t
- IsSolid() : NSEntity
- IsSprinting() : NSActor, playerAPI_t
- IsSquadLeader() : NSSquadMonster
- IsStanding() : NSActor, playerAPI_t
- IsTeamplay() : NSGameRules
- IsThinking() : NSEntity
- IsValid() : weaponAPI_t
- IsValidEnemy() : NSMonster
- IsVulnerable() : NSSurfacePropEntity
- IsWeapon() : NSItem, NSWeapon
- item_eyescanner() : item_eyescanner
- item_food() : item_food
- item_generic() : item_generic
- item_healthcharger() : item_healthcharger
- item_recharge() : item_recharge
- ItemPickupCheck() : NSItem
- itemTable : mapTweak_t