Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- s -
- sample_count : snd_t
- samples : snd_t
- Save() : ambient_generic, env_beverage, env_bubbles, env_cascade_light, env_explosion, env_fade, env_fog, env_fog_controller, env_funnel, env_global, env_hudhint, env_instructor_hint, env_message, env_muzzleflash, env_physexplosion, env_shake, env_shooter, env_smoker, env_spark, func_areaportal, func_breakable, func_brush, func_button, func_conveyor, func_door, func_door_rotating, func_guntarget, func_healthcharger, func_mortar_field, func_pendulum, func_plat, func_platrot, func_pushable, func_recharge, func_rot_button, func_rotating, func_tank, func_trackchange, func_tracktrain, func_train, func_vehicle, func_wall_toggle, game_counter, game_counter_set, game_player_equip, game_player_hurt, game_score, game_team_master, game_text, game_zone_player, info_hint, info_waypoint, infodecal, item_food, item_generic, item_healthcharger, item_recharge, light, logic_achievement, logic_auto, logic_case, logic_timer, momentary_rot_button, monstermaker, multi_manager, ncActor, ncAttack, ncCharger, ncClient, ncEntity, ncGameRules, ncHint, ncIO, ncItem, ncMomentary, ncMonster, ncMoverEntity, ncPhysicsConstraint, ncPhysicsEntity, ncPlayer, ncProjectile, ncRenderableEntity, ncSoundScape, ncSpectator, ncSquadMonster, ncSurfacePropEntity, ncTalkMonster, ncTimer, ncTrigger, ncVehicle, ncWeapon, ncWorldSpawn, path_corner, path_track, phys_convert, phys_hinge, phys_keepupright, phys_rope, phys_slideconstraint, player_loadsaved, point_camera, point_trigger, prop_door_rotating, prop_rope, random_speaker, random_trigger, scripted_sentence, scripted_sequence, speaker, targ_speaker, target_cdaudio, trigger_auto, trigger_autosave, trigger_camera, trigger_cdaudio, trigger_changelevel, trigger_changetarget, trigger_counter, trigger_gravity, trigger_hurt, trigger_look, trigger_monsterjump, trigger_multiple, trigger_once, trigger_push, trigger_relay, trigger_teleport
- SaveBool() : ncIO
- SaveEntity() : ncIO
- SaveFloat() : ncIO
- SaveInt() : ncIO
- SaveString() : ncIO
- SaveTransition() : trigger_transition
- SaveVector() : ncIO
- ScheduleOutput() : ncOutput
- ScheduleThink() : ncActor, ncIO
- ScheduleTimer() : ncTimer
- Score() : teamAPI_t
- script_brushmodel() : script_brushmodel
- script_model() : script_model
- script_origin() : script_origin
- script_struct() : script_struct
- script_vehicle() : script_vehicle
- scripted_sentence() : scripted_sentence
- scripted_sequence() : scripted_sequence
- ScriptedSequenceEnded() : ncMonster
- ScriptedSequenceEnded_Dead() : ncMonster
- ScriptedSequenceEnded_Moved() : ncMonster
- SecondaryAttack() : ncWeapon
- SeeFOV() : ncMonster
- SeenEnemy() : ncMonster
- SeenFriend() : ncMonster, ncTalkMonster
- SeenPlayer() : ncMonster, ncTalkMonster
- SeeThink() : ncBot, ncMonster
- SelectNewSchedule() : ncActor
- SelectWeapon() : weaponAPI_t
- SendEntity() : ambient_generic, env_beam, env_bubbles, env_cascade_light, env_fire, env_fog, env_fog_controller, env_funnel, env_glow, env_instructor_hint, env_laser, env_projectedtexture, env_smoker, env_sprite, func_conveyor, func_lod, func_monitor, func_tankmortar, func_tracktrain, func_vehicle, info_particle_system, info_waypoint, light_dynamic, ncDecal, ncEntity, ncItem, ncMonster, ncPhysicsEntity, ncPlayer, ncPMoveVars, ncProjectile, ncRagdoll, ncRenderableEntity, ncSound, ncSoundScape, ncSpectator, ncSurfacePropEntity, ncTalkMonster, ncVehicle, ncWeapon, phys_rope, point_spotlight, prop_rope, prop_vehicle_driveable, speaker, trigger_camera, trigger_push
- Sentence() : ncTalkMonster
- SentenceEnded() : scripted_sentence
- SentenceSample() : ambient_generic, ncTalkMonster
- serverinfoCheck : mapTweak_t
- ServerInputFrame() : ncClient, ncPlayer, ncSpectator
- Set3DAngles() : vgui3DView
- Set3DPos() : vgui3DView
- SetAFOV() : ncView
- SetAirAbsorptionGainHF() : ncSoundScape
- SetAlignment() : vguiLabel
- SetAngleDragCoefficient() : ncPhysicsEntity
- SetAngles() : ncEntity, NSXRSpace
- SetAngularVelocity() : ncEntity
- SetArmor() : ncSurfacePropEntity
- SetAttackNext() : ncWeapon
- SetAxialScale() : ncRenderableEntity
- SetBeamLength() : point_spotlight
- SetBeamMaterial() : point_spotlight
- SetBeamWidth() : point_spotlight
- SetBloodColor() : ncSurfacePropEntity
- SetBody() : ncRenderableEntity
- SetBodyInGroup() : ncRenderableEntity
- SetBoneControl1() : ncRenderableEntity
- SetBoneControl2() : ncRenderableEntity
- SetBoneControl3() : ncRenderableEntity
- SetBoneControl4() : ncRenderableEntity
- SetBoneControl5() : ncRenderableEntity
- SetBool() : cvarAPI_t, serverinfoAPI_t, userinfoAPI_t
- SetBorder() : vguiPic
- SetBotTag() : ncEntity
- SetBuoyancyRatio() : ncPhysicsEntity
- SetCameraAngle() : ncView
- SetCameraOrigin() : ncView
- SetClassCondition() : vguiCommandButton
- SetClientAngle() : ncView
- SetClientCommand() : vguiCommandButton
- SetClientOwner() : ncView
- SetColor() : vguiButton, vguiColor, vguiTabViewItem
- SetColorWithAlpha() : vguiColor
- SetConstraintType() : ncPhysicsConstraint
- SetCount() : game_counter
- SetDamping() : ncPhysicsEntity
- SetDecayHFLimit() : ncSoundScape
- SetDecayHFRatio() : ncSoundScape
- SetDecayLFRatio() : ncSoundScape
- SetDecayTime() : ncSoundScape
- SetDeclBody() : ncDict
- SetDensity() : ncSoundScape
- SetDiffusion() : ncSoundScape
- SetDragCoefficient() : ncPhysicsEntity
- SetDrawFunc() : vgui3DView
- SetDrawLocalPlayer() : ncView
- SetEchoDepth() : ncSoundScape
- SetEchoTime() : ncSoundScape
- SetEditorIcon() : ncIO
- SetEffects() : ncEntity
- SetEnemy() : ncBot
- SetEntity1() : ncPhysicsConstraint
- SetEntity2() : ncPhysicsConstraint
- SetExec() : vguiButton, vguiTabViewItem
- SetEyePos() : ncEntity
- SetFailSchedule() : ncSchedule
- SetFloat() : cvarAPI_t, serverinfoAPI_t, userinfoAPI_t
- SetFloating() : ncItem
- SetFrame() : ncEntity
- SetFramerate() : env_sprite
- SetFriction() : ncPhysicsEntity
- SetFunc() : vguiButton, vguiRadio, vguiTabViewItem
- SetGain() : ncSoundScape
- SetGainHF() : ncSoundScape
- SetGainLF() : ncSoundScape
- SetGlobal() : env_global
- SetGlowMaterial() : point_spotlight
- SetGravity() : ncEntity
- SetHealth() : ncSurfacePropEntity
- SetHFReference() : ncSoundScape
- SetIcon() : vguiButton, vguiTabViewItem, vguiWindow
- SetIconColor() : vguiButton, vguiTabViewItem
- SetIdleNext() : ncWeapon
- SetImage() : vguiPic
- SetImpact() : ncProjectile
- SetImpactDecal() : ncDebris
- SetInertia() : ncPhysicsEntity
- SetInfoKey() : ncBot
- SetInfoKeyFloat() : ncBot
- SetInputFunc() : vgui3DView
- SetInteger() : cvarAPI_t, serverinfoAPI_t, userinfoAPI_t
- SetItemCount() : vguiList, vguiListBox
- SetKeyEquivalent() : vguiButton, vguiTabViewItem
- SetLateDelay() : ncSoundScape
- SetLateGain() : ncSoundScape
- SetLatePan() : ncSoundScape
- SetLFReference() : ncSoundScape
- SetLightColor() : ncProjectile
- SetLightRadius() : ncProjectile
- SetLightStyle() : point_spotlight
- SetLoopFlag() : env_sprite
- SetMapCondition() : vguiCommandButton
- SetMass() : ncPhysicsEntity
- SetMaxArmor() : ncSurfacePropEntity
- SetMaxFrame() : env_sprite
- SetMaxHealth() : ncSurfacePropEntity
- SetMaxSize() : vguiWidget
- SetMinSize() : vguiWidget
- SetModel() : ncEntity, ncPhysicsEntity, ncSurfacePropEntity
- SetModelindex() : ncEntity
- SetModulationDepth() : ncSoundScape
- SetModulationTime() : ncSoundScape
- SetMovementDirection() : func_conveyor, func_rotating, momentary_door, momentary_rot_button, trigger_push
- SetMoverPosition1() : ncMoverEntity
- SetMoverPosition2() : ncMoverEntity
- SetMoverRotation1() : ncMoverEntity
- SetMoverRotation2() : ncMoverEntity
- SetMoverState() : ncMoverEntity
- SetMoverType() : ncMoverEntity
- SetMoveSpeedScale() : ncActor
- SetMoveState() : ncMomentary
- SetMovetype() : ncEntity
- SetName() : ncBot
- SetNextThink() : ncIO
- SetOffset() : vguiList, vguiListBox
- SetOrigin() : ncEntity, NSXRSpace
- SetOriginUnstick() : ncEntity
- SetOwner() : ncEntity
- SetParent() : ncEntity
- SetParentAttachment() : ncEntity
- SetParentSpace() : NSXRInput
- SetPitch() : ncSound
- SetPlayerModel() : ncWeapon
- SetPos() : vguiWidget
- SetPosition() : vguiMenuButton
- SetProgress() : vguiProgressBar
- SetPropData() : ncSurfacePropEntity
- SetRadarPitch() : ncRadar
- SetRadius() : ncSound, ncSoundScape
- SetReflectionDelay() : ncSoundScape
- SetReflectionGain() : ncSoundScape
- SetReflectionPan() : ncSoundScape
- SetReloadNext() : ncWeapon
- SetRenderAmt() : ncRenderableEntity
- SetRenderColor() : ncRenderableEntity, point_spotlight
- SetRenderFX() : ncRenderableEntity
- SetRenderMode() : ncRenderableEntity
- SetRoomRolloffFactor() : ncSoundScape
- SetRoomType() : env_sound
- SetSample() : ncSound
- SetScale() : ncEntity
- SetScore() : teamAPI_t
- SetSeatID() : ncView
- SetSelected() : vguiList
- SetSendFlags() : ncEntity
- SetSensitivity() : ncView
- SetSize() : ncEntity, vguiWidget
- SetSkin() : ncEntity
- SetSliderFriction() : ncPhysicsConstraint
- SetSliderMaxVelocity() : ncPhysicsConstraint
- SetSliderStop() : ncPhysicsConstraint
- SetSliderVelocity() : ncPhysicsConstraint
- SetSolid() : ncEntity
- SetSoundOffset() : ncSound
- SetSoundScape() : ncView
- SetSpawnPoint() : gameAPI_t, teamAPI_t
- SetSpinning() : ncItem
- SetState() : ncBot, ncMonster
- SetString() : cvarAPI_t, serverinfoAPI_t, userinfoAPI_t
- SetStyleMask() : vguiWindow
- SetSurfaceData() : ncSurfacePropEntity
- SetTag() : vguiControl
- SetTarget() : ncSchedule
- SetTeam() : ncTrigger
- SetTeamCondition() : vguiCommandButton
- SetTeamIndex() : game_team_master
- SetText() : vguiTextBox
- SetTextSize() : vguiLabel
- SetTheme() : vguiWidget
- SetThink() : ncIO
- SetTitle() : vguiButton, vguiCheckbox, vguiLabel, vguiRadio, vguiSlider, vguiTabView, vguiTabViewItem, vguiWindow
- SetTouch() : ncEntity
- SetTriggerTarget() : ncTrigger
- SetType() : NSXRInput
- Setup() : item_food
- SetUp() : teamAPI_t
- SetupEFXReverb() : ncSoundScape
- SetupTimer() : ncTimer
- SetupView() : ncRadar, ncView
- SetValue() : vguiCheckbox, vguiRadio
- SetVector() : cvarAPI_t, serverinfoAPI_t, userinfoAPI_t
- SetVelocity() : ncEntity
- SetViewMode() : ncView
- SetViewModel() : ncWeapon
- SetViewPosition() : ncView
- SetViewSize() : ncView
- SetViewTarget() : ncView
- SetVolume() : ncSound
- SetWeaponFrame() : ncWeapon
- SetWeaponOwner() : ncAttack, ncProjectile
- SetWorldModel() : ncWeapon
- shakes : snd_t
- SharedInputFrame() : ncClient, ncPlayer, ncSpectator
- SharesPVSWithPlayer() : ncEntity
- ShooterLoop() : env_shooter
- ShootGib() : env_shooter
- Show() : ncEntity, vguiWidget
- ShowContents() : vguiWindow
- size : gameEntry_t
- Size() : surfaceAPI_t
- size : updaterPackage_t
- SizeChanged() : vguiTabView, vguiWidget, vguiWindow
- sky_camera() : sky_camera
- Sleep() : ncPhysicsEntity
- solidInfo : propdata_t
- solids : propdata_t
- SortWeaponChain() : ncActor
- Sound() : ncMonster, precacheAPI_t
- SoundMove() : func_train
- SoundStop() : func_train
- SparkOnce() : env_spark
- Spawn() : ncEntity
- spawnClass : entityDef_t
- spawnData : entityDef_t
- Spawned() : ambient_generic, cycler_wreckage, env_explosion, env_fog, env_global, env_spark, env_sprite, env_sun, func_areaportal, func_breakable, func_button, func_door, func_door_rotating, func_dustcloud, func_dustmotes, func_guntarget, func_lod, func_plat, func_pushable, func_smokevolume, func_tankmortar, func_trackchange, func_tracktrain, func_train, func_vehicle, gibshooter, info_hint, infodecal, light, light_environment, logic_achievement, logic_auto, logic_case, logic_timer, multi_manager, ncActor, ncAttack, ncCharger, ncEntity, ncHint, ncInteractiveSurface, ncIO, ncItem, ncMonster, ncPhysicsConstraint, ncPhysicsEntity, ncPlayer, ncProjectile, ncSound, ncSquadMonster, ncSurfacePropEntity, ncWeapon, ncWorldSpawn, path_corner, phys_convert, point_trigger, prop_static, prop_vehicle_driveable, scripted_sentence, speaker, TestUI, trigger_autosave, trigger_changelevel, trigger_hurt, trigger_look, trigger_multiple, trigger_once, trigger_teleport, vgui3DView, vguiButton, vguiCheckbox, vguiLabel, vguiList, vguiListBox, vguiMenuButton, vguiPic, vguiRadio, vguiRect, vguiSlider, vguiTabView, vguiTabViewItem, vguiTextBox, vguiTextView, vguiWidget, vguiWindow
- Spawner() : monstermaker
- SpawnKey() : ambient_generic, env_beam, env_beverage, env_bubbles, env_cascade_light, env_cubemap, env_explosion, env_fade, env_fire, env_fog, env_fog_controller, env_funnel, env_global, env_glow, env_hudhint, env_instructor_hint, env_laser, env_message, env_model, env_muzzleflash, env_particle, env_physexplosion, env_projectedtexture, env_shake, env_shockwave, env_shooter, env_smoker, env_sound, env_soundscape, env_spark, env_sprite, env_sun, func_areaportal, func_breakable, func_brush, func_button, func_conveyor, func_door, func_door_rotating, func_dustcloud, func_dustmotes, func_friction, func_guntarget, func_healthcharger, func_lod, func_monitor, func_mortar_field, func_pendulum, func_physbox, func_plat, func_platrot, func_pushable, func_recharge, func_rot_button, func_rotating, func_smokevolume, func_tank, func_tankmortar, func_trackchange, func_tracktrain, func_train, func_useableladder, func_vehicle, game_counter, game_counter_set, game_player_equip, game_player_hurt, game_score, game_team_master, game_text, game_zone_player, info_hint, info_particle_system, info_waypoint, infodecal, item_eyescanner, item_generic, item_healthcharger, item_recharge, light, light_dynamic, light_environment, logic_achievement, logic_auto, logic_case, logic_relay, logic_timer, momentary_door, momentary_rot_button, monster_furniture, monstermaker, multi_manager, ncActor, ncAttack, ncCharger, ncEntity, ncHint, ncInteractiveSurface, ncIO, ncItem, ncMonster, ncMoverEntity, ncPhysicsConstraint, ncPhysicsEntity, ncProjectile, ncRenderableEntity, ncSoundScape, ncSquadMonster, ncSurfacePropEntity, ncTalkMonster, ncTrigger, ncWeapon, ncWorldSpawn, path_corner, path_track, phys_convert, phys_hinge, phys_keepupright, phys_rope, phys_slideconstraint, player_loadsaved, point_camera, point_message, point_spotlight, point_trigger, prop_door_rotating, prop_dynamic, prop_physics, prop_portal, prop_rope, prop_static, random_speaker, random_trigger, scripted_sentence, scripted_sequence, sky_camera, speaker, targ_speaker, target_cdaudio, target_speaker, trigger_auto, trigger_camera, trigger_cdaudio, trigger_changelevel, trigger_changetarget, trigger_counter, trigger_gravity, trigger_hurt, trigger_look, trigger_monsterjump, trigger_multiple, trigger_once, trigger_push, trigger_relay, trigger_teleport
- SpawnPoint() : teamAPI_t
- SpawnUnit() : game_player_equip
- SpawnWheels() : prop_vehicle_driveable
- Speak() : ncTalkMonster
- speaker() : speaker
- SpectatorDeathcam() : ncSpectator
- SpectatorTrackPlayer() : ncSpectator
- SpriteFlash() : func_tank, func_tankmortar
- SpriteSmoke() : func_tank, func_tankmortar
- StairSmooth() : ncView
- Start() : func_guntarget
- StartAmmo() : weaponInfo_t
- StartFlashing() : item_eyescanner
- StartleAllies() : ncTalkMonster
- startmap : gameEntry_t
- StartSound() : ncEntity
- StartSoundDef() : ncEntity
- StartSpark() : env_spark
- StartToBias() : env_fog_controller
- StartTouch() : ncTrigger
- state : updaterPackage_t
- StateChanged() : ncMonster
- Stop() : func_guntarget
- StopBeam() : env_beam
- StopFlashing() : item_eyescanner
- StopSound() : ncEntity
- StopSpark() : env_spark
- StopTimer() : ncTimer
- StringWidth() : fontAPI_t
- strMat : backResource_t
- subtitle : gameEntry_t
- surfaceprop : propdata_solids_t, propdata_t
- svonly : gameEntry_t
- SwitchedFromWeapon() : ncWeapon
- SwitchedToWeapon() : ncWeapon
- SwitchFireInfo() : ncWeapon
- SwitchToBestWeapon() : ncActor
- SwitchToExactWeapon() : ncActor
- SwitchToWeapon() : ncActor