Here is a list of all file members with links to the files they belong to:
- a -
- Achievement_Clear() : achievements.qc, achievements.h
- Achievement_Get() : achievements.qc, achievements.h
- Achievement_GetIcon() : achievements.qc, achievements.h
- Achievement_GetPercentage() : achievements.qc, achievements.h
- Achievement_IndicateProgress() : achievements.h, achievements.qc
- Achievement_RequestStats() : achievements.h, achievements.qc
- Achievement_Set() : achievements.h, achievements.qc
- activator : NSEntity.h
- ACTIVITYPUB_ACCOUNTS : activitypub.h
- ActivityPub_FetchAccountData() : activitypub.h, activitypub.qc
- ActivityPub_UpdatePlayerInfo() : activitypub.h, activitypub.qc
- actor : api_func.h
- AF_NONE : api_func.h, font.h
- aiment : NSPhysicsConstraint.qc
- AISTATE_ALERT : info_hint.qc
- AISTATE_COMBAT : info_hint.qc
- AISTATE_IDLE : info_hint.qc
- aistate_t : info_hint.qc
- allianceState_t : NSMonster.h
- ammo : api.h
- Ammo_DebugList() : ammo.h, ammo.qc
- Ammo_Init() : ammo.h, ammo.qc
- ammoMaxForName() : ammo.h, ammo.qc
- ammoMaxForNum() : ammo.h, ammo.qc
- ammoNameForNum() : ammo.h, ammo.qc
- ammoNumForName() : ammo.h, ammo.qc
- angleDifference() : math.h
- angles : ui_3dview.qc
- anglesToForward() : math_vector.h
- anglesToRight() : math_vector.h
- anglesToUp() : math_vector.h
- ATTR_CHANGED : defs.h
- autocvar_ai_debugAlerts : NSMonster.qc
- autocvar_ai_debugLogic : NSMonster.h
- autocvar_ai_debugNav : NSNavAI.h
- autocvar_ai_debugScripts : scripted_sequence.qc
- autocvar_ai_enable : NSMonster.h
- autocvar_ai_runSpeed : NSMonster.qc
- autocvar_ai_walkSpeed : NSMonster.qc
- autocvar_bot_aimless : cvars.h
- autocvar_bot_backspeed : NSBot.qc
- autocvar_bot_crouch : cvars.h
- autocvar_bot_developer : cvars.h
- autocvar_bot_dont_shoot : cvars.h
- autocvar_bot_enable : cvars.h
- autocvar_bot_fastChat : cvars.h
- autocvar_bot_forwardspeed : NSBot.qc
- autocvar_bot_minClients : cvars.h
- autocvar_bot_noChat : cvars.h
- autocvar_bot_pause : cvars.h
- autocvar_bot_prefix : defs.h
- autocvar_bot_prone : cvars.h
- autocvar_bot_sidespeed : NSBot.qc
- autocvar_bot_skill : cvars.h
- autocvar_bot_walk : cvars.h
- autocvar_cg_chatEnabled : chat.qc
- autocvar_cg_damageShake : event.qc
- autocvar_cg_gunX : view.qc
- autocvar_cg_gunY : view.qc
- autocvar_cg_gunZ : view.qc
- autocvar_cg_hudAspect : defs.h
- autocvar_cg_modelBobHeight : defs.h
- autocvar_cg_modelBobHeightSpeed : defs.h
- autocvar_cg_modelSpinPitch : defs.h
- autocvar_cg_modelSpinPitchSpeed : defs.h
- autocvar_cg_modelSpinRoll : defs.h
- autocvar_cg_modelSpinRollSpeed : defs.h
- autocvar_cg_modelSpinSpeed : defs.h
- autocvar_cg_muzzleDLight : env_muzzleflash.qc
- autocvar_cg_muzzleDLightColor : env_muzzleflash.qc
- autocvar_cg_viewmodelFlip : defs.h
- autocvar_cg_viewmodelFov : defs.h
- autocvar_cg_viewmodelLag : view.qc
- autocvar_cg_viewmodelOffset : defs.h
- autocvar_cg_viewmodelPass : defs.h
- autocvar_cg_viewmodelScale : defs.h
- autocvar_cg_viewZSmoothingMax : NSView.qc
- autocvar_cg_viewZSmoothingMin : NSView.qc
- autocvar_cg_viewZSmoothingTime : NSView.qc
- autocvar_cl_backspeed : NSClientPlayer.qc
- autocvar_cl_decals : NSDecal.qc
- autocvar_cl_forwardspeed : NSClientPlayer.qc
- autocvar_cl_musicstyle : music.h
- autocvar_cl_sidespeed : NSClientPlayer.qc
- autocvar_con_color : defs.h
- autocvar_dev_skyscale : sky_camera.qc
- autocvar_dsp_soundscapes : env_soundscape.qc
- autocvar_g_gravity : pmove.qc
- autocvar_g_infiniteAmmo : NSNavAI.h
- autocvar_g_logLevel : global.h
- autocvar_g_logTimestamps : global.h
- autocvar_in_zoomSensitivity : defs.h
- autocvar_logging_enabled : logging.h
- autocvar_menu_forceBGMode : background.qc
- autocvar_motdfile : motd.h
- autocvar_mp_allowvote : vote.h
- autocvar_mp_decals : NSDecal.qc
- autocvar_mp_flashlight : defs.h
- autocvar_mp_td_dmgToKick : NSGameRules.qc
- autocvar_mp_td_dmgToWarn : NSGameRules.qc
- autocvar_nav_linksize : defs.h
- autocvar_nav_radius : defs.h
- autocvar_phys_developer : NSPhysicsEntity.h
- autocvar_phys_impactforcescale : NSPhysicsEntity.h
- autocvar_phys_pushscale : NSPhysicsEntity.h
- autocvar_pm_accelerate : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_airaccelerate : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_airstepsize : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_boxcenter : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_boxwidth : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_crouchheight : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_crouchspeed : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_crouchToggle : defs.h
- autocvar_pm_crouchviewheight : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_edgefriction : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_friction : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_gravity : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_jumpheight : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_maxviewpitch : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_minviewpitch : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_noclipaccelerate : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_noclipspeed : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_normalheight : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_normalviewheight : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_nospeedcap : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_proneheight : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_pronespeed : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_proneviewheight : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_runspeed : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_stairSmoothing : defs.h
- autocvar_pm_stamina : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_staminarate : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_staminathreshold : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_stepsize : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_stopspeed : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_thirdPerson : defs.h
- autocvar_pm_walkspeed : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_wateraccelerate : pmove.qc
- autocvar_pm_waterjumpheight : pmove.qc
- autocvar_r_drawdecals : NSDecal.qc
- autocvar_r_showDlights : light_dynamic.qc
- autocvar_r_showPhysicsInfo : NSPhysicsEntity.h
- autocvar_r_skipGlows : env_glow.qc
- autocvar_r_skipLensFlares : env_glow.qc
- autocvar_r_skipWorld : NSView.qc
- autocvar_rm_unlit_additive : NSRenderableEntity.h
- autocvar_rm_unlit_texture : NSRenderableEntity.h
- autocvar_rope_debug : prop_rope.qc
- autocvar_rope_fast : prop_rope.qc
- autocvar_rope_maxsegments : prop_rope.qc
- autocvar_rope_sag : prop_rope.qc
- autocvar_rope_swing : prop_rope.qc
- autocvar_s_al_use_reverb : NSSoundScape.qc
- autocvar_s_logLevel : sound.h
- autocvar_sp_decals : NSDecal.qc
- autocvar_sv_friendlyFire : NSGameRules.qc
- autocvar_sv_levelexec : worldspawn.qc
- autocvar_sv_plugins : plugins.h
- autocvar_vehicle_developer : NSVehicle.h
- autocvar_vgui_color : defs.h
- autocvar_xr_roomScale : xr.h
- autocvar_xr_testInputs : xr.h
- autocvar_xr_viewHeight : xr.h